On Love

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On Love

I love him. I love him with all my heart; I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I would do anything for him and he would do anything for me. I don’t see how our love is any different to theirs. They want to spend the rest of their lives together and would do anything for each other. Isn’t that how you defined love?! If that’s so then how can you say that out love isn’t the same as theirs, that it isn’t valid? Why won’t you let me express my love and commitment to him? He is my best friend…

I love you. I love you so much more than he could ever love you or you could him. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. I died for you and it would do it again. Yes that is how I defined love and no your love is not different from theirs. The expression is different.

How is the expression different? I give myself to him in the same way as they give themselves to each other. He knows me and I know him. All my insecurities, my joys and pains he knows them. When we’re together I hold nothing back. Our bodies unite and become one. It’s just so natural… That’s what they do, isn’t it? That’s how they express it. How’s that different?

I know you too. I know you perfectly. All your hopes and dreams. All your mannerisms and quirks. Anything and everything about you I know. But you don’t know me. If you knew me you would know why I want you to express your love differently. You would know I ask everyone to express their love in the same way. Some is expressed in a great friendship. Others are asked to express their love in a more intimate way, a way that gives of themselves bodily, spiritually and emotionally.

Isn’t that what I’m doing?!? Giving myself bodily, spiritually and emotionally? Why are they asked to express themselves like that but not us? Why can’t we do that?!

Think. Do you see people who are best friends, who love each other, would do anything for each other and know each other? Think. Do all of them express they express their love in the same way as you and him? Some do some do not. Do all people whose best friends are of the same sex as them express their love for each other in the same way as you and him?

No because they don’t love each other in that way. What’s that got to do with anything?

I am sure if they really wanted to they would. I do not ask them to express their love for each other like that. The fact that they do not want to is irrelevant, if they wanted to they could. I ask nothing of you that I do not ask of everyone.

What do you ask of me then? Why can’t I express myself in that way? Why is it reserved for them? Why was I made like this if I can’t be who I am? Why can’t I be with him?

I ask nothing of you that I do not ask of everyone. You cannot express your love in that way for the same reason those best friends cannot. I have ONE law for ALL people. I ask this expression only of a man and a woman who are married because love involves commitment and total self giving. Marriage is the ultimate expression of commitment and self giving. They commitment themselves to each other until they die. They give of themselves to each other until they die. –

–I can do that! –

I know you can do that. Did I ask that of you? No.

But you said ‘I ask nothing of you that I do not ask of everyone’. Explain.

What I ask of you is to follow me and my commandments. The way I lead you is not the same as someone else. You are different to others. You have different a different personality. What works for them will not work for you. What works for you will not work for them. But most of all, I ask you to love me.

Why should I? You won’t let me be me, you won’t let me express myself how I won’t too.

My Father made you. He made you to be a wonderful person. I do not ask you to be someone you are not. When I was dyeing I thought of you. Of how you would look, how you would act, who you would be. I did not stop to think should I do this because I know you would not follow me. Would not love me. No. I knew you would not follow me, would not love me. It was hard. I did it so you could express yourself. When I ask you to follow me I ask you to follow me in your fullest. You will come to a greater expression of yourself.

I don’t have to follow you. I could say fuck off and be with him.

I know. Do what you want if you must. 

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