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Please listen to the audio above while reading this, as it is what caused the inspiration to write this story. (However, this is not the song Marguerite plays) 

"Come on, Louis!" Marguerite called me as she ran through the tall yellow grass.

I ran faster to catch up with her. We both ended up in a large field of flowers with a clear view of the starry night sky. She tugged at my shirt sleeve before ushering me to lay down with her. Marguerite let out a large smile as we both laid down onto the soft white daisies.

"My dress will get grass stains, but it doesn't matter," she laughed before pointing to the sky above our heads. "My father told me about this place when I was five," The midnight wind blew softly, causing the tall grass to sway ever so slightly. "He said it was where the stars shone the brightest and where even the city lights of Paris can't reach." Marguerite waved her hand across the air to build up a dramatic effect.

I snorted at her silliness. She punched me lightly on the shoulder. "I'm serious, Louis!" Marguerite laid back down onto the flowers, scoffing in the process even if a smile still remained on her pale face. "This place is as beautiful as he said it was. I wanted to bring you here, but my mother didn't allow me to go out on my own during the war."

I nodded, acknowledging her words as I looked up at the sky. On the countryside of France, we lay under the twinkling night sky, continuing a casual conversation. Discussing how each other's days have been, how our families were, and what plans we had for our future. Marguerite let out a yawn after a couple minutes.

"Louis, I'm getting tired," She stated, as if I hadn't already figured it out. "Are you allowed to stay here?" She asked, looking into my eyes with a pleading look.

I thought for a moment, debating whether or not it was a good idea to stay in this vast field of flowers for a night.

"Please," Marguerite squeezed my hand. "At least stay with me until I fall asleep."

In the end, I decided to listen to her pleas and remained until she drifted off peacefully. I took my hand from hers and left, whispering a goodnight as I gazed at the shimmering starry sky.

The next evening, Marguerite and I met again in the field of flowers. She dressed in an azure dress and had a graceful smile on her face. She grasped my arm in her hand and took me to a hill close to the field with a small abandoned house on top.

"I explored around the area this afternoon and found this house." Marguerite beamed as she led me inside the quaint wooden structure. She sat down by an old piano. "I think the owners of this house left when the war broke out. All their furniture is still here but there's no food or valuables."

She turned towards the piano and blew the dust off, letting it drift around the room. I coughed at the flurry of dust she sent my way, to which Marguerite apologised profusely. "I've been learning a new song on my piano at home, so it's quite convenient that this house has a piano. Now I can play it for you!" She turned my way, grinning before beginning her piece. She played a beautiful waltz, letting her hands dance over the keys of the vintage piano. She started off soft, running her delicate fingers lightly over the keys before pounding them, drawing a strong and passionate tune from the vintage instrument. The piece she played created an aura of happiness and romance, even if the instrument needed some fixing and had some keys that were off tune. When she was finished, her hands hovered over the keys as she turned to take a glance at me.

I gave her a smile and clapped at her performance. Her mouth grew to a larger smile as she stood up, putting her arms around my neck to draw me into a hug. I let my hands fall to her waist as I hugged her back. We let go shortly after and I asked what the name of the song was.

Marguerite Where stories live. Discover now