meeting Lance

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Keith walk down the crowded hallways looking for his classroom 480. He sighed he knew today was the first day of school and he knew how much he hated school. He heard kids screaming out of excitement for seeing their friends they haven't seen all summer.

He walked further down the hallway knowing it would be the same as every other year he get picked on every once in awhile no one would really say anything to him not really acknowledging his existence but Keith didn't care Keith was there to learn or whatever the hell he was doing seems to work out fine for him whatever he was doing but he saw someone you've never seen before the tall tan boy walked further down the hallway next to him and then passed him Keith had known he was gay for about 2 years now and this boy was throwing off all the game meters this boy was tall lanky caramel colored hair tan skin the taller boy where jacket that was loose fitting on him but seemed fitting for his style or whatever he was going for he had blue jeans on with sneakers regular old sneakers

Keith continued on his way to his locker he thought about the boy had seen passing in the hallway you figured he probably never see him again maybe once or twice throughout the year never be able to start a conversation with him or anything then he continued on to his classroom 480 same teacher Shiro well that's at least what Keith got to calling everyone else called him mr. Takashi uncle but no one else really needed that " today we have a new student in our class his name is Lance Lance would you like to come up and introduce yourself" the tall boy stood up and walked over to the Whiteboard he grabbed the marker and wrote quickly it gracefully in after reading those few words he'd written on the bored everyone in the room gasped. Lance was mute that's all there was to it plain and simple.

Then everyone kind of just went along with their day but Keith didn't he couldn't stop thinking about how someone so beautiful could not have a voice. And then there was this strange longing for him to know what he would have sounded like if he ever did speak Keith continued walking down the hallway after that class wonder what he sounds like he thought to himself 'I mean how could a person that beautiful possibly not have a voice wonder what he sounded-' his thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash he was on top of Lance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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