Kewking realized she couldn't stand Amor's cooking after the first week. Amor always loved to cook and agreed, that it was infact so fun. Kewking didn't know what to tell Amor about how bad it was without hurting her feelings, she didnt want to get rid of that adorable face when she'd eat spaghetti and have the sauce all over her face... that was her favourite.
Amor offered to cook every night for her lady Kewking but Kewking didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her how bad the food is. When Amor would make soup and spill it on her shirt, when she'd speak with her mouth full, when she wouldn't use proper silverware. Kewking loved all of that and it was there whole relationship.
When Kewking would invite a friend over, and Amor would do these things her friends would get disgusted! Amor would get very sad and Kewking would give her a kiss on the cheek and give her a hug to explain how much she loves her. Kewking didn't want to get rid of her friends either though! She couldn't do anything...she had to pick one side.
Kewking and Amor would go to counceling about it and Amor hated the therapist with a passion, she felt like she was trying to seperate them. Kewking would try every day to teach Amor table manners and cooking skills but Amor rejected all of it.
One day Kewking invited her friend over for breakfest and Amor made eggs, but she didn't cook them close to long enough and Kewkings friend got salmonella. Her friend let out a rage and told kewking to never speak to her again. Kewking chased after he friend and told Amor she had to go.
When Kewking got back home she complained to Amor about her friend, Amor was very upset, she looked at Kewking and said "You care about your friend more then me?! I'm done with you!" Kewking cried and yelled begging Amor to stay, reminded her of all the cute times when she ate the food wrong and got it all over her and Amor cried and agreed.
On there 6 month anniversary they had spaghetti, Amor's favourite. They shared the same noodle at the halfway point but Kewking was not eating, it tasted horrible. She spit it out and drank a lot of water. Amor felt very offended, she asked "Is this how you really feel? This is how you treat me?" Kewking had to tell her, "Amor, I have to tell you...ever since the first time you made me a meal I couldn't see this lasting you just cook stuff wrong and...your table manners they're wrong..."
The next morning Amor was packing her bags ready to go home, Kewking tried to give her a hug and Amor rejected it. She started throwing and breaking stuff as she packed her bags...and went home.
After a few days Kewking stayed home very sad lonely in her bed with her stuffed bear Amor had got her, their last memory. Amor had moved on though, she has new people in her life and has nothing to remember of #KewkingHermoso.