Chapter 1| Tweek

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Rain sloshed on the pavement, the concrete a slide for the acidic drops condensed from clouds. It continues to rain, chilling against my skin. Drops gigantic and practically bigger than my pinky nail. The odd drop manages to sneak down my collar, molesting the trail of my spine as it slides down to the waistband of my jeans.

Shivering, I tighten my jacket around myself.

"Of all the fucking days." I grumble, walking over the slippy slide of concrete and trying not to drown my favourite pair of shoes. On the pavement, there's deep, seemingly endless, patches of water nesting in the grooves of concrete. "The bus just had to break down."

School wasn't far from my house. A ten minute walk at the most. However, the amount of rain, which definitely felt like sleet, slowed me by fifty percent. It was uncomfortable as it tickled my neck, causing shivers of disgust to float down my spine. Rain spat on my face and slithered under my clothing.

For the fifth time in this never ending walk, I tighten my jacket and wish I'd worn a coat.

If only I'd listened to my mum!

I didn't even see why I was bothering with this whole 'education' scam. It's obviously setting us all up for failure! Where are the classes on tax payments and sword fighting? The skills we actually need to survive! Where's the science lessons on making clean water incase we run out? The Shop classes on refining our weaponry to work to it's best abilities?

But no, there isn't any. Instead, we have pathetic lessons playing dodgeball and making bird houses (which I really don't see the point in. All birds left to live atop the clouds years ago!).

It seems my racing thoughts on the unfair education system distract me for too long. I make a dire mistake as my foot plunges deep into one of those puddles.

The lacelets welcome water into my shoe, soaking my entire foot to the bone and chilling me to the core. Shivering and cursing, I quickly hop out of the sea and shake out my foot. Hopefully it will dry before it's too late.

Nope. Of fucking course.

It's too late.

I hate puddles.

A hand, transparent and made of water, encloses around my foot. I groan in protest, bending down to wipe away at the fake body part to free myself of this chore. Water Dwellers are such an annoyance to deal with; they just grip onto you, refusing to let you go until you're fully soaked, uncomfortable and ready for death.

In some ways, you could compare them to a molester, but I won't go that far. Especially since they're a thing of the past. However, our history books detail that it was only a mere few centuries ago that they were all lined up and vaporised.

Again, I get lost in the endless cavern of my mind.

The Water Dweller has wrapped itself around my entire leg now, taking the form of a human. And, I've got to admit, as it's sat on my shoe, legs wrapped around mine and hands clinging to my pants, it's rather attractive.

With a lean figure, it's shoulders are quite small arms like sticks. It's legs are very fucking long, wrapping around my own quite easily. Water Dwellers don't exactly wear clothes, having no private parts, and I see that it's torso is awfully skinny too.

If it was human, you'd definitely see the outline of ribs. However, it's fucking water and not human, only holding human features to appeal to us.

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