Mistletoe~ APH RussiaxReader

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Ivan's POV

Its been a long day at the meeting again. We didn't yell and argue as much seeing as how it was Christmas tomorrow. I got home and took off my coat leaving my scarf on and sat on the couch in the living room. I sighed and rubbed my temples. That damn American, Alfred Jones, needs to learn when to shut his mouth during the meetings. At least I was home and could relax. Bow that I think about it... Where is my little Sunflower (Name)? I got up and peeked into the kitchen. She wasn't there. 'Hm. Maybe she's upstairs in the bedroom.' I thought to myself as I went upstairs to our bedroom.

"(Name)?" I said as I opened the door and went in. She wasn't there either. Where could my little Sunflower be? I walked back downstairs and I heard the front door close. I smiled and went towards the front door. I looked around the wall and smiled seeing (Name) coming inside with Toris and they had bags mostly of presents for Christmas. I went into the kitchen to make it seem like I didn't know they were home. I opened the fridge and started to take out ingredients for (Name)'s favorite dinner, (fav. Food).

Your POV

Toris and I got home and I smiled at him. "Thank you for your help Toris~ I enjoyed spending time with you~" I took off my jacket and shoes keeping my beanie on. "Oh it was very fun Ms. (Name). I enjoyed it too~" he smiled back at me. I took the presents to mine and Ivan's room setting them in my wardrobe. "Hopefully Ivan won't snoop for them." You closed the door and locked it putting the key in your pocket. You went downstairs and smelled someone cooking something. You thought it was Toris so you went in to help him but froze when you saw Ivan. "Ivan your cooking?" He looked up and smiled. "Da~! I'm making dinner for you~" You smiled and walked over to him hugging him. "Thank you Ivan~" He smiled and hugged back. "You're welcome Sunflower~"

3rd Person POV

Ivan had the biggest crush on (name) for the longest time now. He remembered when you two became friends, and when he saved your life.

~Flashback 8 years ago~

You were 13 years old and you brought out a beer from the kitchen on a tray of for for your Uncle. You've been living with him for the past 7 years now since your parents passed away in a car accident. "Uncle I brought you your lunch..." You said softly. Your uncle looked up at you with disgusted eyes. He grunts and takes it from you. "Go clean something." You nodded and hurried out of the living room surprised that he didn't hit or call you names. You were cleaning upstairs when you heard your uncle yell your name. "(Name)!! Get down here now!!" You hurried downstairs. "Yes Uncle?" You said quietly. "Get me another beer now." You nodded and went to the kitchen grabbing another beer and took it to him.

He took it from you and opened it taking a drink and glaring at you. You knew right away that he was slightly drunk, and you were about to go back to cleaning when your uncle stood up and pulled you back into him. You tried not to flinch but you did and he chuckled. "Oh (name) you don't have to be afraid of me~" You shuddered on the inside. For a 13 year old, you had a nice curvy body and your breasts were still growing but they were a nice size. You teared up at the thought of him rapping you again like he did last night. You were still sore from him being so rough and you just started your time of the month.

'Fuck you Mother Nature!' You screamed in your head. Your uncle smirked a bit and took another drink of his beer then pushes you down on the couch. You squeaked involuntarily and closed your eyes tightly as your uncle climbs on top of you. He leaned down and licked and kissed your neck, you closes your eyes even tighter. You couldn't stop him or anything because if you tried to he would beat you and keep going anyway. So you let him have his way, and he was going to hard making you scream in pain. Suddenly the front door bust open and someone grabbed your uncle pulling him off of you making you whimper in pain and curl into a ball pulling a blanket over you with what little strength you had.

The stranger knocked out your uncle and crouched down to you and moved some hair out of your face. "Are you alright Sunflower?" He asked with a thick Russian accent. You opened your eyes and they met these gorgeous violet ones and you could see that he had light colored hair. He looked at you concerned and you didn't know if you could speak so you shook your head. He got your clothes and set them next to you. "You should get dressed Sunflower. I'll go and pack some of your things." He got up and went in search of your room. You blinked and slowly sat up putting on your clothes and slowly walked to your room looking in at Ivan who was packing your suitcase.

He looked up at you and smiled. "Privet Sunflower~ Anything else you want to take with you? I have most of your clothes packed." Without answering you went to one of your drawers and opened it pulling out a locket and putting it on. "That it Sunflower?" You nodded now just to shy to talk. He smiled at you. "Well Sunflower, my name is Ivan. What's your name?" He asks. You look at him a bit. "...(n-name)..." You said softly. He comes up to you, your suitcase in one hand and smiled. "Well (name) your going to come live with me from now on okay? You don't have to worry about that man anymore." At that your eyes widened. "Really!?" You asked a bit excited about the new found freedom. He smiled. "Da~ You are my little Sunflower now~ No one will ever hurt you again." You hugged him tightly and he hugged you back. "Thank you Ivan.." You said. "You're welcome Sunflower."

~End Flashback~

Ivan smiled and sighed remembering how it all happened. He was thankful for that day, he saved his precious Sunflower from her evil uncle. (Name) started setting the table smiling as she thinks about Christmas and how it's going to go. You both sat down and ate then you guys went and got ready for bed and with Ivan's arms around your waist and his face nuzzled into your neck you both fell asleep.

~Christmas Day~

You, Ivan and The Baltics all went and had Christmas dinner with the other countries. Alfred invited you all to his Christmas Party and it was in full swing. Arthur of course was super drunk and talking to himself on whether he was Catholic or Protestant. Watching Arthur when he was drunk was probably the funniest and funnest thing to do in your opinion. But you were wondering where Ivan went so you got up and went to go find your lovable Russian. You found him out on a balcony looking at the stars and you smiled leaning on the door frame.

"Ivan what are you doing out here?" He turned to you and smiled. "Looking at the stars Sunflower~ I barely see them in Russia." He looks at the stars again. "I almost forgot what they looked like." You smiled at him. "Come on inside~ I don't want to be by my lonesome~" He chuckled and walked over to you wrapping his arms around your waist. "Alright Sunflower~" You looked up at him and blushed a bit giggling. He blinked at you. "What is so funny Sunflower?" You pointed above him and he looked up and smiled. "Ah~ The famous mistletoe~ Well Sunflower we have to do what we both know needs to happen~" you blushed and laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You just cant resist my sexiness~!!" You teased him and he laughed pulling you closer. "You know it Sunflower~" and with that his lips collided with yours in a sweet passionate kiss. You both pulled away and you smiled causing him to smile. "Merry Christmas Sunflower~" "Merry Christmas Ivan~" You kissed him again and a whistle was heard. "Yeah! Ivan! Get some dude!" You blushed darkly and pulled away. Ivan growled. "Get the fuck out of here you damn American before my pipe kisses your face." And with that you heard grumbling and retreating footsteps. "He ruined the moment..." You pouted and Ivan chuckled a bit. "Oh trust me Sunflower. There are more to come~"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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