2. There Is Only One

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Kai's P.O.V
"Kai, there are four of them approaching, two of them are infiltrating as we speak," as he spoke my wolf was growing excited, my palms getting sweaty, my nerves rattling as I was undressing.

"Tell the pack to stay indoors, you and Blake take either side of me, get two wolves to intercept the ones trying to break in," Blake and Christian followed me to the back exit of the house. In an instant they shifted at the command of my voice. My wolf breathed easy knowing both my betas were by my side. Christian walked out first as I followed behind. Blake kept close behind me making sure to watch every angle from my back.

In a instant when my paws touched the grass a scent so intoxicating had me spelled. It's smelt like the mist that dance along the lake during the morning due, the smell of the wind that had just brush itself upon the fresh soil, and a bitter sweet tang like honey mixed with lemon tea.

'Kai, Kai, focus' I was snapped from my thoughts as I heard Christian's voice echo in my head. My wolf was taking over, my senses heightened more than ever. My legs moving before I could even think, had me hiding behind a bush starting at two wolves. It was so dark, the moonlight lighting up just in front of them as they hid in the darkness. I couldn't tell where the scent was coming from. My legs dragged me closer and closer as the grass danced along my fur.


As I crept closer her head snapped towards my direction, my eyes locked on to the windows to her soul, her beautiful (E/C) riling me up as I watched her watch me. Her scent was sending me over my limit.

She's the one.

My heart howled ready to make her mine. My stomach grew with air, as I firmly placed my body into the ground, like an instinct my voice bellowed from my gut, howling at my pack telling Christian and Blake to come here, and to my pack that they'll finally have a Luna. As my head dropped back down my eyes widened at the sight before me, a fire ignited and fuelled the anger inside my gut. My beautiful breathtaking mate was standing behind a different wolf, a wolf that thought he had every right to represent her honour, she was being protected by someone other than me. My fur spiked at the thought of her favour being given to some pathetic wolf. As I got closer I could smell it. Her sent was masked with another wolves scent. I could smell him all over her.

I want to rip out his throat.

My mind went blank thinking nothing more of wanting to destroy that piece of shit for even thinking he could be hers. He was just a little-

'Alpha, isn't that Jake?' my heart stopped at the name, Jake? Pacing back and forth I watched as the young boy I had once known had turned into a musculr, toned wolf, his fangs shown as he glared me in the eyes. My girl was being protected by him?

Y/n P.O.V
I watched as my hostility blurred as his ocean blue eyes had me in his grasp. My wolf howled inside my heart as that aggressive look made my legs weak. My inner thighs becoming sensitive to the gentle breeze of the wind. I could feel my heart think in my head as it yearned just for his touch.

"Jake!" It was happening to fast, his large body pouncing closer to me, the sound of war cries heard echoing threw the forrest, his claws almost ripping out Jake's throat.

"S-stop," my body had moved on its own. My eyes closed clenching on to my arm, too afraid to see how close he was, how easy it would be for him to play me like his puppet. My wolf was howling, extacy just frim his presence.

As she was ready to pounce on him, I knew the only way I'd get an edge was if I was standing helplessly as me.

"you can't hurt me.." I shuddered slowly opening my eyes, "And if you did.. we could never be mates." My eyes slowly opening, finidnng a way to look into his eyes.

Gulping at the sight before me I was bewildered. Now getting to look at him closely. Jake was built but Kai? was larger. As I observed him and he analysed me, he moved around me with the purpose and intelligence of a Alpha; Kai a Alpha of such dominance and power, maybe if we had ever saw Kai Kido we would have known our plan would never have worked.

His blood-lust was legendary and in a crowd he killed with as little mercy as a fox in a chicken coup. Like ghosts he could be there one minute and gone the next. His footfalls were as silent as a whisper to the wind and his eyes cut deep into my soul.

Kai howled in response pacing back and forth as his tail whip behind him. Snapping his jaw at the ground his gaze never changing.

"Shift, please," I whaled, taking a step closer tears forming in my eyes. "Kai,"

Kai's P.O.V

The way her voice trembled when my name rolled off her tongue, the way she whimpered as her body sighed in defeat made my wolf shiver with pleasure but seeing her hurt I couldn't help but feel a prick of pain.

I felt my eyes slowly meet hers as a towel was given to me to wrap around my waist.

"Come with me, everyone else leave," I demanded. Pulling y/n's wrist as her body fell Infront of me, my arm snaking around claiming her existence. The touch of her skin sent lightening shocks through my body, my neck cracking with the pleasure she was giving me just by a simple graze.

"You're not taking her away!" I feel her body being tugged just enough for my hand to catch hers. I look up watching as Jake had his hand on her. "You're not taking her!" He growled once more. His demeanor did not change, from the time when I glared him down to the time I wanted to slit his throat.

"It's fine, just come back for me tomorrow night, I'll be waiting." Y/n pulled her arm away gently as she caressed his cheek, kissing his forehead. "I'll be okay, I promise!" She reassured him.

'stay away from her' my wolf growled watching as she was falling all over him.

Without another word I take her hand and lead her into the house. Jake's voice becoming nothing more than just background noise as her focus was now on me.

"Don't let me catch you kissing another man again,"

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