Dances •Bucky•

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1. We danced when...

The party had only been going for an hour when already-tipsy Tony took to the stage. "And now," he announced with a bit of a slur, "some era-appropriate grooves for Capsicle and his tin-armed buddy."

Steve was laughing and shaking his head as Natasha returned to us with drinks in hand, and Bucky just rolled his eyes. "Great, now what's he going to do?"

The band was quiet a moment as they consulted with each other, and then all of a sudden they burst into the familiar strains of the classic In The Mood, by Glenn Miller. Steve and Bucky both jolted upright on their bar stools. "I love this song!" Steve shouted. Nat was laughing hysterically as he dragged her out onto the dance floor. He never did lern how to swing properly, but at least they were having fun.

Bucky turned to me. "Come on, doll, we can't sit this one out." He winked, holding out his hand. I felt a flutter in my stomach as I took it and he twirled me out onto the floor.

Three dances later, a slow tune finally came, and we stopped, out of breath. I started to head back to the bar, but Bucky held on to my hand and pulled me even closer. "You can't leave me hanging, darling," he whispered.

I looked up at him, and something in his eyes gave me the courage to dare to kiss him. I stood on my tiptoes and as soon as our lips met, I knew it was right. When we finally broke apart, he rested his forehead on mine. "I've been wanting to do that for a while," I whispered.

He chuckled. "Me too, doll. Me too."

2. We danced when...

Bucky sneezed again. "Good Lord," he groaned. "When will it end?"

I giggled as I walked in with a tray. "Aww my poor boy. Here, lunch is served."

He shifted grumpily. "I'm not hungry." But he eyed the soup as I set it down in front of him. "Okay, that does look good," he admitted. "Smells good, too."

"It better," I huffed. "I slaved over the stove all morning to make it for you from scratch." I handed him the spoon and adjusted the blanket around him.

"By which you mean, you poured it from a can into a saucepan and heated it up for 15 minutes." He was trying not to laugh at me, but he couldn't help it.

"Brat!" I laughed. I swatted him with a napkin. "Eat."

"Yes ma'am."

Later, when he was finished, I disentangled myself from his cuddles and stood up. "Hey," he said plaintively. "Don't leave me."

"I'm not, I just want you to dance with me." He kept an old record player by his bed, along with a collection of swing records. I turned it on and Bing Crosby's Dream a Little Dream of Me played, tinnily.

Bucky stared at me like I'd suddenly grown two heads. "Dance... with you? Um, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm dying of pneumonia over here."

I grabbed his hands and tugged. "You have a head cold, you're not dying, and sitting all day isn't any good for you." I tugged more to punctuate my words. "Come. On."

He grumbled but stood up and looped his arms around me, leaning on me and burying his face in my neck. "'Kay, I'm up."

"Don't knock me over!"

He kissed my cheek softly. "Can I tell you something, darling?"

"What's that?"

"I love you." That was the first time he said it to me. I couldn't help but notice that he was blushing a little (and no, it wasn't his fever).

"I love you too, Bucky boo."

We danced slowly until the sun started to set, then returned to the blanket cocoon on the bed.

3. We danced when...

Toasts had been made, dinner had been eaten, and cake had been cut. I was sure I would never fit in this dress again, and Bucky was eyeing me like he was ready to get it off me.

Steve came over to hug both of us again. He was tearing up but vehemently denied it to anyone who asked if he was crying. "I'm really happy for you guys," he said. "I love you both so much."

Bucky grinned. "You better. You owe us for letting you give that ridiculously sappy toast, punk."

"Hey jerk," Steve joked back, "you deserved that sappy toast. And I'll have you know, Nat helped me write most of it, so she should share the blame."

Just then, the dj announced the first dance. Bucky helped me up and pulled me out on the floor with him. "Wait, wait!" I said. I kicked off my heels and followed him, barefoot.

Our chosen song started, slow and sweet. Frank Sinatra's voice crooned out as Bucky held me tightly against him.

I find that day by day
You're making all my dreams come true

He spun me gently out, and back into him, and our noses touched as he bent to kiss me lightly.

So come what may
I want you to know
I'm yours alone

I swear Steve was sniffling in the crowd. I could hear the awws of our friends, but I had eyes only for my new husband as we danced around the candlelit room.

And I'm in love to this day
As we go through the years
Day by day

He dipped me, ending the song with a flourish, and I gazed up into the eyes of the love of my life.

4. We danced when...

"It's okay, sweetheart," he whispered in my ear. "I've got you. Just breathe."

I groaned as another wave of pain hit. My knees wanted to buckle, but I managed to stay upright. Bucky's arms supported me and I leaned against him until the pain passed.

"I changed... my mind," I panted. "I don't... want... a baby... anymore." I felt tears spilling out of my eyes. "I don't want... to do this."

Bucky rubbed his thumb across my cheek. "You can do it, I know you can." He turned his head and said something to the midwife that I didn't catch. A few minutes later, music started up, quietly. Sweet and Slow, one of his favorites. He sang along softly and made me sway with him, holding me close as he could with my swollen belly between us. The coolness of his metal arm was soothing.

Another contraction hit, stronger than the last one, but I tried to breathe through it and focus on something, anything, else.

"Just dance with me, darlin'," Bucky said. "You've got this. You're already doing better than I would if I were in your place."

I managed a laugh at that mental image. I shifted my feet to move with him, and it almost did feel like we were dancing.

The good feeling lasted for about 30 seconds. Another contraction came, this one with even stronger pressure, and I gasped at the urgency of it.

"Okay, this is happening," Bucky said. He sounded slightly panicked now, after having stayed calm so long. "Breathe, sweetheart..."

Two hours later

I was comfy in bed, incredibly worn out but incredibly happy. Bucky stood by the window, holding our son in his arms, watching the snow fall. "I think our little Stevie is going to be a dancer," he said over his shoulder to me.

I giggled, and then yawned. "Well, his parents are, so I won't be surprised."

Bucky came over to me and very gently settled the baby next to me. Then he laid down on the other side, holding us both, the baby in between.

• • • •

This sweetness is brought to you by @bucky_the_muffin (I hope you see this tag!). I read the story they published called The Five Times He Said "I Love You." It was beautiful, and I borrowed the idea, with a different theme. (It's in their book called Avengers Imagines; go check it out!) Hope you all enjoy it! Please vote/leave a comment to let me know what you think. :)

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