Chapter 7: Hunger and Longing

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Hey beasties! It's time for another chapter! We'll be back at the castle, where we'll be back at the castle with you my dear reader(The song above? That's your first song!), where something very unusual will be happening to you.....


You stared up at the ceiling of your bedroom in complete and utter boredom. You'd read both of the books that were in your backpack several times(A court of thorns and Roses, A Wrinkle in Time), and done plenty of wandering through the vast castle.......


You hadn't seen Missi for several days, and when you did happen to see her, she seemed to be trying to avoid you for some reason....(Did it have something to do with the voice that the two of you seemed to hear from the cane?) Missi had mainly been avoiding you, and Minoise wasn't  that much interested in conversation, and when you had asked Minoise what Missi was doing, he seemed to purposely avoid the subject and try to change it to something else. It was almost like there was something going on in the castle that they didn't want you to find out, especially with Missi......

Missi. You thought back to the time several days ago when you ate together and actually talked with each other. She was so sweet, and surprisingly nice to talk to, and you really liked the way that she smiled and how her eyes lit up when she saw your face........

Your face grew warm as you remembered putting your hand in her hand. Why did you feel like this when you thought about her? Could it be that you were.....

Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a white-hot flash of pain that erupted in your head. Wincing, you gritted your teeth to keep yourself from screaming out in pain. You had been getting the most awful headaches over the past few days, and they seemed to be happening on and off, sometimes happening several times in one day. Also, you had started getting these awful stomach cramps that felt like a shark was chewing on you from the insides.

Were you getting sick? You were sure that you weren't sick, you hadn't had a fever or anything as of yet, and you pretty sure you weren't on your period, so what was it?

But as soon as the headache started, it mercifully stopped, giving you some momentary pain relief but bringing back your loneliness.

This used to be our secret,

Now I'm hiding here alone

You ran your fingers through your h/l hair, letting it fall gently around your face

Can't help but read our names on the wall

And wash them off the stone

Standing up, you began to pace around the room. The truth was, you were starting to miss your old life just a tiny bit.

I trusted you in every way

But not enough to make you stay

Had you foolishly traded your old life away where you were constantly ignored to a new one with more of the same?

Turn around

I've lost my ground

Gazing around, you realized that maybe you had.

Come and rescue me

I'm burning can't you see

You didn't know who you sent your desperate plea out to, you just hoped that someone would hear you. After all, you felt like you were starting to go mad.......

In all my dreams I drown: Missi x  readerWhere stories live. Discover now