We Do Not Live to Fall in Love

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Can we all just stop talking about love and heartbreak for one minute please?

There has to be more to life than romance and tragedy.

We are not puzzles missing a piece

Waiting for the right person

The one person

Who can complete us.

We do not hold keys

Made for that one special lock

That opens to a heart.

As shocking as it sounds, if someone leaves us

Our world will not end.

Our hearts will not stop beating

Our lungs will not forget how to breathe

Our feet, will still want to move us forward.

Is this coming from someone who has never experienced

The "passionate" warmth

Or the burns that come from the cold when it's gone?


This is coming from a person who could not fathom

Looking for a handyman

To fix your broken soul

When you're holding the tools to make yourself whole.

This is coming from a person who does not understand

What this pain is

When someone stops holding your hand

And I'm sure it hurts.

I'm sure it's beautiful.

But life holds more than kisses

And teardrops

Especially at such a young age

Looking for a soul mate by the lockers

When our friends hold a love

That will last much longer

than stolen glances you chance between classes.

Because life and love,

Are two different things.

And We do not live

To fall in love.

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