A simple kiss can ruin your life.

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Finn was the most funny,  pretty,  british girl I've ever seen.  Her red cherry hair and her green lime eyes sparked everytime she laughed. We've been friends for two years now and I finally wanted tell her how much better off we would be as something more.

"Finn, I know there's a connection between us.  Do you feel it?" I said holding her her hand.

"August  I-" Finn started to say.

That's how are relationship started.

It was still summer so none of our friends knew that we were dating. Finn and I had so much fun over the summer, going camping,  going to see concerts of bands that we loved, watching scary movies until dawn. Nothing could make me sad when I was with Finn.

School started and we were both excited to tell are friends the good news. Lunch finally came and I couldn't help but let everything that I wanted to share out.

"Marley,  Shane,  Oliver,  listen.  Me and Finn are more then friends!" I said holding Finns hand across the table.

"Ok so your best friend's?" Marley asked pushing her glasses up.

"No silly,  we're dating!" Finn yelled.

They all turned silent.

"You guys are... Gay?" Oliver whispered.

"Yeah. Is there something wrong with that?" Finn pointed a finger at Oliver.

"Yeah there is,  people will laugh at you guys!" Shane said pointing at the other tables. 

Shane got up from his seat.


Everyone stared at us laughing and pointing fingers. Calling us words that nobody should have invented.

I ran.  I ran.  I really ran.

That evening a I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said wiping my tears off from my dry tan brown skin.

Finn came in.  She sat by me on the bed.

"What's the matter?" She asked planting a kiss on my cheek.

"What's the matter? The matter is that are school lives are ruined! Everyone is calling us Sluts! Everyone thinks we are going to burn in hell!" I ranted.

"You care what other people think about us?" she asked confused.

"I do care! I don't want people thinking of me that way,  as if I'd feel about you this way forever, it's just a phase!" I said.

Her lip quivered.

"If you think that I'm ruining your social life then maybe we shouldn't be together. But do not come back when you realize that you miss your phase. " she left.

I sounded like everyone else. I was like everyone else.

The next day at school I was walking up to Finn to apologize but I noticed she was talking to someone. Finn looked at me,  she looked at the girl she was talking to and kissed her.




A/N- I don't do short stories a lot so I thought of doing one based off of one of my favorite short films,  bubble gum ( https://youtu.be/gSu7SdO79dc ) I hope you enjoyed!

Cherry hair, Lime eyes{LGBTQ+ short story)Where stories live. Discover now