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"Come, young Roxanne. We have much to do today."
"Y-Yes, master." I turned away from the scrolls and caught up to my master. We were walking through the town market on our way to Z's tower and some old looking scrolls has caught my attention.
"I saw some old scrolls and wished to see they're contents, perhaps study and progress my knowledge of the Bles."
"That is very wise and important, yes," he said. "However, if we are late, he will be very upset. You know this all too well, Roxanne."
"Yes, I remember..." I trailed off.
"Plus, there is no better way to learn of Bles than with him."
"But you always said Bles is like a good book, everyone gets something different out of it, based on our own experiences and abilities."
"Then why would you like to use scrolls to discover it? Scrolls have no experiences, unlike him."
"Yes, I suppose you are right. Forgive me, Master Graci."
"It is all well, young Roxanne. Let us hurry, however." We walked with haste along the very brick path. All around us was a blue and grey town. Streets vendors lined the long brick street, all with their white and blue tent covers for their wares, selling wands and staves and scrolls all the like. We began to cross The Bridge. It was made up of the same brick as the rest of the town, grey and blue. At the bottom ran through a river. A dark blue shallow river, with a similar color grass on both sides. I looked into my reflection and saw what I always see. A girl with dark blue hair and blue eyes. I saw something glistening around her neck. I reached down. "My necklace." I held it in my hand. A silver key that appeared to fit no lock. "I wonder how they're doing," I thought. I smiled. I looked back into the reflection. "I'm still me," I said to no one in particular. 

"Ngh. My head hurts." I tried to sit up and felt my head.
"Leo! What are you doing sleeping in?!"
"Ah! My apologized, Captain. I didn't mean to. I was just- I had this dream, and I-"
"No excuses! Five laps around the training grounds then be back here, stat!"
"But I'm not even dressed yet, sir."
"What did I just say? No. Excuses! No go!"
"Yes, sir." I got up and began running drowsily. "What an awful start to the day," I thought. As I ran, I thought about my dream. I dreamt of Roxanne and I, Lane, and Mick, back in the fields several years ago. I looked down and felt that silver key banging against my chest. I smiled, courage renewed and began to run harder.

*work in progress*
*please give thoughts below*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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