1: Beginning

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It was a calm morning inside the Central Library of London. A young woman with short brown hair and hazel eyes walked the corridors finishing up her work.

Humming to herself Chiara Alexander continued walking between shelves and putting away the massive pile of books she was carrying. Being a librarian was a good job, especially for a woman in the 1920's. Chiara was thankful for her position, and her good luck in finding something she truly loved to do.

Hearing someone clearing their throat behind her, Chiara turned startled & was faced with a tall gentleman with a long expensive looking coat & a flatcap. His blue eyes were staring at her with seriousness, but also a little amusement.

"Need help with that?" He questioned raising an eyebrow at her high pile of books. Chiara flushed pink at his appraising look.

"Im quite alright but thank you sir," she responded in what she hoped came across in a calm, convincing manner. She put down the books she was carrying on a nearby desk, peering at the tall handsome stranger.

"Do you need help looking for something?"

"Actually I need help looking for someone," he responded taking off his hat, exposing his black hair & unusual haircut to Chiara. Living in London she rarely saw such unique hair styles. This raised her suspicions that this man wasn't from around her part of London town.

"Does that someone happen to work here? I am the librarian in charge today I might be able to track them down for you if its urgent." She offered with a gracious smile.

"I'm looking for my sister, her name is Ada Shelby. I'm told she volunteers here ocasionally?"

Chiara found it weird that this gentleman wouldn't know exactly where his own sister worked, but didn't comment as her eyes brightened at the mention of Ada.

"Oh yes! Ada is most certainly here today, she's actually helping out on the second floor right now, follow me and i'll take you to her!" Chiara answered happy to be taken away from her shelving busy work.

"That would be appreciated miss....?" The icy blue eyed gentleman held off not knowing how to address her since he hadn't asked her name in the first place.

"Alexander, Chiara Alexander," Chiara replied going up the stairs, he only responded with a low hum as if appreciating her name to himself, "and your name? if I may ask sir."

"Thomas Shelby, friends call me Tommy." He replied looking into her eyes. She couldn't help herself walking next to him & noting his strong smell of whiskey & cigarettes taking over her senses. Not necessarily loving the way he smelled, but for some reason not really disliking it either. Somehow the aroma fit him.

She looked forwards suddenly becoming aware that this was a stranger, and she had to remain professional, whether he was looking for her Ada or not. She had to stop her judging musings inside her head.

"Well here we are," Chiara replied leading him to the back shelves of the second floor where she could spot Ada fixing & organizing some new fixtures that had arrived that morning. Ada Shelby was one of the best workers Chiara had seen, truly dedicated to whatever she did or was assigned, no matter how big or small the task was.

"Ada darling theres someone here to see you," Chiara approached the young woman gesturing towards Thomas. Ada turned from the light she was moving and her once pleasant expression turned somewhat sour once she got a good look at who was behind Chiara.

"Tommy." Ada acknowledged with a serious look in her eyes.

Chiara softly frowned at this, she had never seen Ada either not smiling or laughing at something one of the other workers had said during the day. She admired the young woman's likeable personality & was confused as to why seeing her own brother seemed to upset her. Only once in passing Ada had mentioned she didn't really have communication with her family, leaving Chiara wondering what cause them to tear apart.

"Ada i've been looking for you." Tommy explained.

"Yes I heard."

"And you didn't think of letting me know of your new job?"

"Didn't think it was necessary," Ada replied with a smart tone. Chiara was beginning to feel like an intruder in what seemed like a tense conversation waiting to happen. Clearing her throat & walking backwards a little bit the siblings seemed to be reminded of her presence once again.

"Well now that you've found each other I will be going now, Ada you can go ahead & go on your break if you'd like," she offered while being accutely aware Thomas was watching her again with a peculiar look in his eyes. He seemed to be analyzing her for the first time. Really sizing her up. What for, Chiara had no clue why.

Ada thanked her, "Thank you Chiara we won't be a minute, Tommy follow me," indicated Ada guiding Tommy down the stairs that would take them outside.

As Chiara turned and made herself busy with some books left behind by patrons she heard the shuffling of feet and felt a presence next to her. Looking to her right Thomas was there looking at her expectantly.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Chiara," Tommy said in his low deep voice. Something about the way he said her name made her stomach flutter momentarily. She flushed a soft pink and extended her hand to shake his goodbye. To her surprise he brought her hand up to his lips and softly kissed it with his plump lips. She felt shivers travel up her spine and blushed even harder feeling all of a sudden flustered, was the room all of a sudden hot or was it just her?

She composed herself after a second or two and shyly smiled at Tommy, "It was a pleasure to meet you aswell Mr. Shelby."

"Its Tommy, Chiara, call me Tommy." Tommy said with a hint of a smirk on his lips. The intriguing man turned with his hands in his coat pockets to join his sister outside while Chiara's gaze lingered on his strong back. She caught herself staring into the distance even after he had disappeared from her sight.

"Get ahold of your self Chiara, he's just a coworkers older brother," she muttered to herself while folding some papers, "incredible handsome older brother," she whispered in an even lower tone, touching the hand Tommy had kissed on his way out, softly smiling to herself.

A/N: Hi everyone please tell me what you think as this is my first story! Any comments are welcome! I'm hoping to not write Tommy too out of character, I still want him to be the dark broody gangster we all know a love. Please comment/vote/subscribe if you can lot of love! xxx

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