Chapter 1

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"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" He roared out as his meaty fists banged against the locked door. My silent tears slowly dripped down my bruised cheeks as I curled up into a small ball while trying to forget about the world around me. The banging stopped as I heard a frustrated growl. "You stupid whore! STAY IN THERE THEN," and with that, he left. His footsteps slowly faded away as the sound of my hiccups and heavy breathing filled the entire room.

'Mama,' I silently wept as I clutched onto my bruised arms.

A distorted vision of a woman seeped in within my mind. Though I could not see her loving eyes, her smile was blinding. I bit back a broken sob as the gentle memory of her warmth burned within my head.

'Why did she have to die?'  I silently whispered to the darkness that engulfed me. The tragic incident that took place came back to haunt my vision as I slightly felt her ghostly arms circle around me as comfort. It was silent.

Or so I thought.

"I DON'T HAVE YOUR MONEY!" A ruff voice shrieked while a loud slam against the concrete floor soon followed afterwards.

"Well, what do we do with you then?" A deep dark tone growled as I heard the man I called father pathetically whimper.

'Who's that?' I soundlessly questioned myself as my six-year-old brain tried to decipher the voice until, I came up with the conclusion that whoever just spoke was a person I have never met throughout my six years of existence on this godforsaken Earth.

I'm a genius, I know.

I slowly uncurled my small malnourished body and flung myself over towards the side of the bed. I gently dropped onto the cold oak wood flooring as I made my way over towards the dark inky bedroom door that I so graciously locked to keep that monster out. Before I could reach it, my feet stopped in front of a very large mirror. A mirror that had saw the darkest of sorrows and have held the deepest of secrets. I stared at my reflection and shivered. My lifeless hazel orbs stared right back at me while my long brownish-black unruly wavy locks covered half of my face. The faded colourless dress that I wore came up to my knees as the black and blue bruises with a small mixture of yellow that were on my arms and legs were displayed.

I sighed.

"Please...PLEASE! Just give me a few more days! I PROMISE I'LL GIVE IT BACK," the monster begged as I turned to face the door. I quietly walked towards its direction and steadily unlocked it. I then grabbed onto the metal door knob and twisted it before giving it a slight pull. A dark hallway presented itself to me on the other side. I took a deep breath to steady my racing heart before I entered the darkened hallway. My stomach fluttered as I got closer towards the pathetic continuous begging until I froze.

I heard the deep voice once again.

"You scum," deep voice guy spoke as the coldness of his tone pricked my already bruised skin. "Do you actually believe that I'll give you another chance? I gave you so many bloody chances and yet, you haven't paid it back!" And with that a loud scream followed.


I dropped onto the floor while clutching my heart.My breathing uneven. Memories of my father's abuse flashed through my mind as the repeated apologies that I screamed echoed throughout the soundless hallways. Yet, I didn't utter a single syllable or wept a single tear as the visions played within my head like an endless movie.

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