from the day that I met you

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Harry's POV

   "harry now this is important" my mom waves her finger in my face I giggle

"yes mommy" I say

   "I know you to young to understand I mean your only seven but you can't say I never told you" my mom says looking at me seriously

"what mom what is it" I say cheesing

     "Harry its love you just need the love" my mom says

I wake up quickly from dream and look around its 4 am that dream was so real it was almost like a flashback. I turn on my lamp and sit up thinking what did my mother mean.

your POV.

"mom!" you shout walking to the kitchen

        "what is it?" she ask

"one direction is in town on a meet and greet!" you say in a high squeaky tone

          "oh those British boys your all in love with" she says giggling

"First off mother they are British and Irish and they are men not boys" you say rolling your neck

        "oh well go meet and greet them" she waves her hand at you

"oh my gosh mom I could just go? this is awesome" you run to your room and look around. you find find a floral crop top and high waisted skirt with pink matching converse.  you tweet about it as you hop on your bike and ride downtown. you get there really late you walk up to the table shaking.

      "Hello" all the guys seem to say in unison. all but harry he just had his head down twiddling a marker.

"oh my gosh hi this is crazy meeting you all finally" you say as you walk up to harry "Hey would you sighn my hand?" you put it on the desk in front of him. he places his hand over yours and quickly lifts his head up.

      "ow you shocked me" he Says smiling and giggling he signs your hand you go down the line. get autographs and took a group picture

"bye guys thanks so much" you say walking away

    "wait ! wait" harry says jogging up to you

"yes?" you ask confused and happy

     "what's your name?" he ask you

"oh its (Y/N)" you tell him

       "well (Y/N) its pretty dark and you shouldn't go out there alone. how bout I just give you a ride"

"sure can I put my bike in your car?" you ask

    "of course come on" you follow him out the door. to a amazing old fashion brown car it was really nice with Carmel leather seats.

"nice car" you say as you get in the passenger side

      "thanks your nice too" harry says you laugh

"take three rights my apartment is really close" you say he drives

       "your really pretty and well look at my signature" he says you look at your hand and notices its his phone number

"wow harry do you like me?" you say with a huge smile. he looks at you and bites his lip

      "(Y/N) I'm afraid I have no choice" harry says as he arrives to your house

"what do you mean?" you ask him

    "OK I need to try something if your not comfortable with it I understand. but please I have to I have I have to know" harry says quickly

"what just do it I guess" you say he crashes his lips with yours you here the radio turn on. the horn starts beeping out of control but you just keep kissing. you and him finally stop the rear view mirrors crack

        "your her" harry says



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