Diffrent Paths

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So people who where fans of my first story... well you where probably not expecting this. The reason I have decided to continue this story because I have gotten a lot of people adding the first story to their reading list and a lot of people have been voting for the characters. So here I am! I have finally got time to think where would this story continue if I decided to write a second book... and I suddenly got a lot of ideas. So I hope you in joy this story to.

-Yuki pov (age 19)-

For the past 11 years (in my last story Sora and Yuki are 8 (idk what past me was thinking letting 8 year olds do that stuff) me and Sora decided to take separate paths in life. He was the first born twin so he is going to be crowned the next king. So he decided to stay in the capital of our kingdom Wistal Castle. And I have decided to move my work to Lyrias (manga readers you know what I am talking about I recently had the time to read the swwtrh manga and I just fell in love with the arch about Lyrias. But Lyrias is pretty much a part of Clarines and it is the place in Clarines where it snows a lot) being the highest ranking person their it is almost like I am ruling Lyrias.

-flash back-

-Yuki pov (age 16)-

Since growing up people have told me to be more formal with my father. So I guess I had to start using formality's. I knock on my fathers door and he said "Come in."

I said "Sire I was wondering if we can talk about something regarding Sora and what I want to do with my life as for this moment."

He said "Sure take a seat Yuki."

I said "Well we all know Sora was born before me and that will mean that he will be the king in the future so he decided to stay in the capital and travel around when he can or sneak out when ever he can."

I said the last part in a whisper because Sora might get in trouble for that. He said "Yes that is correct."

I said "And I was wondering if I can live in Lyrias for a couple of years."

He said "If that's is what you want you can go... but I am just wondering why Lyrias?"

I said "When you and Mom took me their for my 11th birthday with Sora I absolutely fell in love with the place. How it is still snowing but the whole town is lit up and so bright."

He said "Ok. But when you go to Lyrias I want to insure your full safety."

I said "But I have a plan that I want to try out if it is ok with you."

He said "Well let's listen to it then."

I said "Well I want to live in Lyrias for the first year that I am their as a court herbalist with know one knowing my rank. I do not want people just hanging around me just for my rank. And just being nice to me because of it. So I feel like I can get closer to people with hiding my rank. And knowing how other people view things."

He said "Ok but I am still going to insure your safety while you are their how about you can stay at Lyrias for 3 years, you will leave for Lyrias in 2 months. And we will see how it works out."

I said "Thank You very much. I will take my leave now."

Then I walked out of his office. Well that was a little stressful. I walk down the hall way to my room to pack up stuff I do not need for 2 months so I don't need to deal with packing them up later. Then I herd someone calling my name, it is Sora. He said "Yuki! I herd that you are going to Lyrias in 2 months!"

I said "Not so loud Sora! When I get to Lyrias I am not going to reveal my title for the first year. And that means me going is a secret only the higher ups are going to know."

He said "Sorry! But since I heard I wanted to spend as much as time with you before you leave."

I said "Fine just don't get in my way. I am going to be studying for most of the time before I go. I am going to be pretending to be a court herbalist and I want to freshen my skills."

He said "Ok it is settled then."

I am pretty happy how this chapter went. Like the last story I am going to try my best and do anything in my power to update as soon as I can. Thank You for keeping up for the story.

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