Unwanted Love

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Title: Unwanted Love
Pairing: Yunjae (main), MinJae 
Genre: AU, Fluff, Romance, Angst
Rating: NC-17
Length: Chaptered, 25/25 (Complete)
Summary: Yunho and Changmin were friends for a long time, and they were straight, at least used to be. Things got complicated when Changmin brought his boyfriend, Jaejoong, home... Soon Yunho would have to choose between his best friend and the love he believed was the one for him. 

Link to first chapter   http://yunjae-lunaticc.livejournal.com/9474.html

Link to her masterlist  https://yunjae-lunaticc.livejournal.com/9044.html

My Thoughts: i just finished reading it !!
AND IT IS AMAZINGGGGGG .It left me breathless .. I love yunho's caracter here the best ! Even tho i dnt like these types of fics but its so beautiful
The ending ... is good . Obviousaly  someone is bound to get hurt .. i dnt want to spoil it .. SO GO READ IT ... IT IS SO WORTH IT

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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