Serious Threats- Part 7

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Mariska woke up early the next morning to a knock on the door.  A gruff voice that most likely belonged to one of the servants came from the other side of the door.

"Master Hitarus requests that you dress for breakfast and come downstairs as soon as you are ready."  Mariska took a moment for everything to come back to her before getting up.

She quickly dressed in a tank top and a pair of jeans.  Undoing her braid, she brushed her hair so that it was wavy and brushed her teeth.  Lastly, she grabbed her phone.  Once she was ready, she tested the door.  It clicked open, and she found herself face to face with the two servants who were standing guard.  One spoke as soon as he saw her.

"We will escort you downstairs..."  With that, he lead the way.

She held back a moment, but the other guard nudged her forward, so she started after the first guard.  On her way down, she took a moment to memorize each room they passed through, trying to get to know the house in case her plan backfired.  She knew she had to succeed in order to save her father's life, despite the deep down voice that kept claiming she would fail.  In all honesty, she wanted nothing more than to be back home with her father, not in the home of his psychotic business partner while he lie, possibly dying, in the hospital.

He has to be okay...  He just has to be.  Finally, the servants stopped at the doorway to the dining room, and she was greeted by Hitarus and Kitosha, who both smiled when they saw her.

"Good morning, Mariska..."  Hitarus offered her his hand.  "Please, join us for breakfast..."  Her heart thudded against her chest as she forced a smile and took his hand, letting him lead her to her place at the table.  Kitosha pulled out her chair for her, and she accepted it with the same faked smile on her face.  They both then sat at their places, Kitosha across from her, and Hitarus at the head of the table.  As breakfast was brought out and set before them, Hitarus continued.  "Unfortunately, because of your father's untimely accident, I will be going to the office to take care of some matter, but Kitosha here has agreed to spend the day with you in my place."  Mariska sipped some water and nodded.

He's likely to be looking for the safety deposit box at the office while his backstabbing servants are searching the house.  Hopefully, Takashi got to it yesterday, and Kyoya is already working on getting it to the authorities.  I hope they'll keep Father alive while continuing their search, despite Kitosha's suggestion...  Kitosha smiled at her.

"I was thinking I could give you a tour of your new home today.  I could show you the gardens, the pond, and the stables.  You know, give you a chance to get to know the place before you become the lady of the house this week."  Mariska choked on the bite of fresh fruit she had taken.

"This week?"  Hitarus nodded.

"I went to visit your father yesterday, and I regret to inform you that his condition is much worse.  The doctor said that being unplugged for an hour a few days ago while recovering after his surgery had placed him in a coma."  Her breath hitched as he smiled politely at her.  "Doctor says he may never wake up...  For your sake, we'll have to have the wedding as soon as possible in order to ensure your father's last wish is granted."  Mariska lowered her gaze to her food, feeling the color rush from her face.

"On what day?"  Kitosha smiled.

"On Tuesday..."  Mariska's heart practically stopped in shock.  2 days from now, she'd be the lady of the household here?  Her thoughts went to Takashi, and she had to fight her tears.

"I see..."  She placed her fork down, her appetite gone.  More than ever, she wished her father was here.  He would hug her and assure her everything was going to be okay.  Takashi would have done the same.  "What about school?"  Hitarus smiled.

"Invitations will be sent out to all the families tomorrow, and the school will most likely close for the day."  Her head swam in disbelief.

He's thought this all out...  There's no way I can win, even if my plan works.  Poor Takashi...  I don't want to lose him, but...  But...  She swallowed hard.  No, just stick to the plan.  It will work, and you'll be safe in no time with Takashi...  She forced a smile.

"I suppose I better get used to here then.  I assume I'll be finishing this year and next year?"  Hitarus nodded.

"Of course."  Mariska nodded.

"Then, like you said, it must be done."  She turned her attention to Kitosha.  "I think we should start at the pond.  I do love watching the fish."

Right after breakfast, Kitosha lead Mariska to the pond.  The clear, sky blue water sparkled in the early morning sun, and she took note of the karp in the water.

"It's beautiful."  She smiled and looked at Kitosha.  "What all have you been up to these last few years?"  Kitosha smiled at her.

"Well, Father had me attend the University after I graduated in order to have me study business management.  Because he felt cheated by your father after your father changed your mind about us, he wanted me to be ready to run the whole company rather than just my half."  Mariska looked down.

"So, what happens to my father now?"  Kitosha thought for a moment.

"Well, that depends.  Father needs his safety deposit box because he found out from the company lawyer that Onikan was drafting a new will and testament as well as gathering evidence for a case against him.  If there's no new will, then Father and I will be pulling the plug as soon as possible.  If there is, we're going to destroy it."  He cupped Mariska's chin in his hand.  "Either way, we will be married this Tuesday, fullfilling the old will.  That's all that should matter to you."  Mariska stared at him.

"It must have taken a lot of planning to do all this."  He smirked.

"Yeah, well, you're father's servants were willing to do anything for more money.  Father thought about using our own men, but I convinced him it would be easier to involve the others so that our hitman wasn't caught."  Mariska nodded.

"And, how long before you came after me?"  Kitosha thought a moment.

"As soon as we realized that Morinozuka wasn't going to let you out of his sight.  We were going to just pick you up when you were visiting you father, but we heard Morinozuka making arrangements to have you stay with his family.  We then realized that Onikan must have never told him about the old will, so we figured the best way to get to you was just picking you up in the parking lot."  He smiled a little.  "I will say that I didn't expect that much of a fight from you."  He rubbed his jaw a little.  "You punch pretty hard for a girl."  Mariska's eyes widened.

"You attacked us in the elevator?"  He chuckled.

"Not exactly the best thought out plan, I might add, but yes."  Her heart raced as she nodded.

"Well, I suppose there's a lot more that I need to know before Tuesday's ceremony..."  She stood up.  "Can we see the stables next?"  He nodded and stood as well.

"Of course, my dear."  As he took her hand and lead her across the backyard, she smiled genuinely for the first time in a while as she reached into her back pocket to lock her phone, which had recorded every word.

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