Chapter 22: The Voices

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San sat on the floor with Logan, who tried to escape. "Now you are permanently locked up until Alice and Alana come back. You are not good at sneaking out, are you?"

"Shut up," Logan said. "I will succeed next time; what are you doing here, anyway?"

"Keeping an eye on you," he said. "Someone has to babysit you twenty-four hours."

Logan mumbled and laid down, facing away from him. San chuckled and sighed.

How he missed Alice, she was the only that made him feel as if he belonged. Aside from Logan. But without Alice, their group is incomplete.

He leaned back against the bar. He winced; he felt a slight pain on the side of his head.

'Where am I?' Someone said.

'Alice?' He frowned.

'What?' Alice sounded confused.

'Alice!' Wait, how did she?

'You!' Alice gasp. 'San! I don't have time to explain, but you have to tell my father where we are. And also tell him it's the same people from when I was six. Tell him he will know what I am talking about, hurry.'

'Are you alright?' San asked.

"We are fine,' Alice said. 'But we don't have much time. This man is planning on separating us; please hurry. We are in a mansion.'

'But where?" San asked.

'We are home,' Alice said. 'I can sense my family a distance away. Tell my father that. And how is Logan?'

'He is doing fine, trying to escape,' he said. 'Alice?'

San sighed; it seems the connection didn't last long. He stood. "I'll be back Logan, don't try to escape again."

"Yeah," Logan waved him off.

San left the basement and went to tell Clay.

After he told him, Clay went left with his wife. And now San had one more thing to do. "Hey, Logan, I know where they are if I tell you, are you going after them?"

"Yes," Logan sat up. "And how do you know?"

"Alice contacted me," San said. "She may have tried to get to you but ended up connecting to me."

"Tell me," Logan asked.

"They are back home," San said. "It seems that is where Ashton has them."

"I am going," Logan stood. "Let me out, please. She is my soulmate; I have to protect her."

San sighed. "Okay," he opened the door and let him out. "Come on; I know a way out. And just so you know, I am going too."

"Why?" Logan asked.

"Remember," San said. "Friends forever. I am willing to risk my to save Alice. Without her, our group is incomplete."

"Thanks," Logan said.

San leads Logan out the back door, but Ezra caught them. "I knew you would tell him and try to help him."

"Don't try to stop me," Logan said. "I have to do this."

"I won't stop you," he said. "I will help you; Alana needs me. So let's get going."

San smiled. It seems they are in a rescue mission, and anything can happen.


Logan leaned against a crate. They had to sneak into a ship that had dropped off some supplies and headed towards the mainland.

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