The Noises

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Dear journal,

Why do I still hear the static? It surrounds me, clouds my thinking, my every waking moment. It tells me to do things, things the doctors tell me I shouldn't do. I once became so consumed by the static I did what they asked so I could perhaps escape their constant buzz. So I did it I killed that poor soul. Thats why I'm here in this place they tell me it's a safe haven but they keep giving me the strange looking water, the static told me not to drink it so I slammed the cup out of the nurse's hand. But then the men came and pricked me with something it made the static silent for some time but it came back louder and angrier than ever. I'll never be free.

Dear journal,

What is wrong with me? Why do I have to hear these horrible things all my life what did I ever do to my parents that was so horrible . So horrible that they left me here in this place. The nurses say its because they were trying to help me, but the static tell me differently, they tell me a lot of things, a lot of things I don't like knowing. They tell me these things because they're trying to help me and inform me about all the hidden things of the outside world but when I don't want to know about the things they have to say I scream for them to stop, then the nurses tell me to calm down but I can't not while they're telling me such horrible things.

Dear journal,

The static keeps telling me to do things. Things that I don't want to do. They tell me the horrible reasons for why they need me to do it. So after days of thinking upon it I decide to do it. So that night I start to moan about my head and tell the nurse about the static, and just as she turns around to get, what the static calls poison, I run at her. Covering her mouth and nose, and because of this she soon suffocates. I grab the key to my door from her pocket. Then I quickly grab the most important things to me, my journal and pen.

Dear journal,

I'm outside. It's so beautiful I was never allowed out the doctors said I would never be allowed out. Well I guess they were wrong. They probably didn't think the static would help me. My legs begin to move in the direction of the sun faster, faster I go running for my life and freedom. Only to forget I could never be free from the static. It shrieks with laughter but nothing seems funny to me right now all I'm concerned about is going the furthest distance from this place as possible. But then they begin to tell me their plans of what I should now that I'm out. They're all speaking at once so I can't decipher anything they're saying but the things I do catch scare me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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