Living With Springy!

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"(y/n)." A voice calls you gently but, all you do is stir.

"(y/n)." It calls a bit louder and this time, open your eyes to see Springtrap a few inches from your face.

"Hey, Springtrap!" You say tiredly.

"Ready for breakfast?" He asks excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be ready I like five minutes."

"Great!" Springtrap says hopping up.

He waves to you before exiting your room and walking downstairs. It had been a couple weeks since Fazbear's Fright burnt down and you two were in a great relationship! Springtrap had been very content being in your house he was almost always happy. The trips to the store you had to make and to your new job(whatever it was), were the only thing that made Springtrap worry about your well being and relationship with him. You got up and stretched feeling your right arms' muscles lengthen but, not your robotic left arm for it was robotic. The new appendage was a gift form Phantom Foxy on your third night with Fazbear's Fright for he had cut it clean off the rest of your body. You walk into your bathroom and brush your (h/c) hair. You look at your (e/c) eyes and smile. You trot downstairs in your gray pajamas and into your kitchen to see Springtrap making waffles. You smile and sit down at the table.

"So, what kind of waffles are they this time?" You ask placing your head in your hand.

"Your favorite, of course!" Springtrap replies. "Chocolate!"

You giggle and wait for your breakfast. As the plate was set down in front of you, your stomach rumbles. Once the finishing touch was added which was whipped cream and syrup, you dig in with Springtap cleaning up the dishes. As you finished up breakfast, Springtrap sits down at the table an looks at you with admiring eyes.

"Yes?" You ask looking at him.

"Oh, nothing." He replies a little overdramatic. "It's just you look beautiful this morning."

You smile, look down, and blush. "Thanks...I guess. And you look handsome this morning, for a Garbage Bunny."

Springtrap laughed and stretched his hand over the table to touch yours. "Thanks for letting me stay with you. I must be such a bother with me worrying about you all the time."

"Springtrap, we've been over this, your no bother to me at all. Not even if you worry about me when I'm gone. Besides, I love it that you're here! I was always lonely when I come home so, it's nice to finally have some company."

"Well, it's a win on both sides I guess."

You smile and run your hand along your metal arm.

"How's that working out for you?" Springtrap asks looking at your arm.

"It's like the real thing never even left me." You reply happily. " How did you even know how to fix it?"

"O-oh, y-you know, past experience..."

You give Springtrap a hard look knowing that he wasn't telling the full truth but, shrugged it off not wanting to upset him.

"Well, why don't you go get dressed and we can watch some TV. Ok?" Springtrap offered.

You smile and nod. "Ok! Don't do anything crazy while I'm away."

"I wouldn't even think about it!"

You stand and walk back upstairs to get dressed. It was a Saturday so, you had off of work and you and Springtrap usually kept your off time lazy. You got dressed in a loose fitting (f/c) shirt and a pair of jean shorts leaving your feet bare. You hop back down stairs and into the living room to see Springtrap waiting for you on the couch. You sit down next to him and grab the remote to switch on the TV.

"So what shall we watch today?" You ask looking at your bunny friend.

"Hmm, how about Avengers Age of Ultron?" Springtrap suggests smiling wide.

"We've watched it like twice already!"

"Well, I like it! It's interesting!"

You smile not really caring that you'd watch it again for it was interesting and somehow reminded you of Springtrap. This time would actually be the 5th time you'd watch it and you could recite some of the lines form the movie. You play the movie and you and Springtrap get ready to begin the movie quote battle because, unlike you, he can memorize things faster then you. 

"'At long last' is lasting a little long don't you think, boys?" You begin confidently.

"You didn't see that coming?" Springtrap said slyly a little later.

"Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference." You say a different part as the movie goes on.

"Well, I don't have a girlfriend." Springtrap replies the quote nuzzling you causing you to giggle.

"You killed someone?" You recite the line of Captain America. 

"Wouldn't have been my first call, but, down in the real world you're faced with ugly choices." Springtrap replies with Ultron's quote with the same tint in his voice as the villain.

A little later in the movie you begin another line of quotes. "Talk. And if you are wasting our time-"

"Did you know this church was built in the exact center of the city?" Springtrap cut in purposefully with Ultron's quote. "The elders  decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God...I like that. The geometry of belief."

As the movie ended the two of you cheer at each other's great work.

"That was some great quoting, (y/n)." Springtrap complimented.

"Not to bad yourself." You reply looking at him smiling. You lean your head on Springtrap's chest and sigh. "I'm kinda glad Fazbear's Fright burned down. Because, now, you get to live with me!"

"You and me both! I hated that place and I'm finally able to leave that wretched attraction. The phantoms always were reminding me of what I did in the past but, now that they're gone I just have to live with the fact that I did it, without being constantly reminded."

You laugh quietly and close your eyes. Suddenly, you hear a knock at the door and you sit up quickly. You nod to Springtrap and he rushes off to his hiding place which was a closet. You walk over to your door and open it to see someone familiar standing there...

Finally it's out! Sorry I took so long but, here it is the first chapter of My Little Garbage Bunny 2! I don't own any of the movie quotes I've put in the story I just put them there for enjoyment only! The second chapter is coming soon! 



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