THAT boy !

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                 Hi! I’M Sandy Sully and I moved to South wales when my Father married his 6th wife Margaret. I had grown up in Los Angeles and my mother was a drunk, alcoholic and a shoplifter so naturally I moved in with my Father a Bank accountant. My father had been investigated for taking money from the bank a few years ago it wasn’t him it was my mother, but did my dad rat her out? Nope! He still loved her at the time but I didn’t see what he saw in her.

              When I found out that my father had proposed to his girlfriend – Margaret- I was happy but not as happy as I should have been, My father had proposed to 4 women since my father filed for a divorce. All 4 had pulled out when they had found out about the ‘dog’  -Our dog Dunhill had been in the news paper a couple years ago for killing a child, Dunhill hadn’t meant to of course but the child had his toy and wasn’t throwing it so Dunhill had tried to get the toy back but had severed the child’s arm at the elbow it had got infected and the child died-.

              All women not wanting there, future, unborn child being in harms way they backed out. But Margaret hadn’t which had surprised me. Margaret had said that If they did have children she was sure the dog would be okay as it was ok with me. When I tried to point out I wasn’t a 6 year old child and that I was a 11 year old Girl, She just shrugged and said she was SURE it was going to be okay. Once we were sure that she wasn’t going to pull out she sprung a surprise on us.

        Margaret had 3 children in South Wales; they had been staying with a friend while she was visiting Los Angeles. Margaret had stayed longer than expected and had to return so we moved with her.

       That was one disaster to many I had to leave my best friend –Susan-, and my boyfriend –Jack-. I begged and begged to stay with Susan, as her parents had said I could live with them in the spare bedroom. But he wouldn’t budge he said that families should stay together, and I had better sense than to bring up my mother in the argument.

       It had been 3 years since my father had proposed and they were married now I had 2 stepsisters Amie & Becky both 14, we shared the same birthday and everything its so annoying, and I had 1 stepbrother Andrew he’s 13. I had to move to a school called Princington High. Everyone had thought that Amie Becky and Myself were Triplets.

            I was standing outside the cinema on Saturday the 14th; I was waiting for Demy and Hailey. When I looked around I seen a boy not much older than me looking at me, wait no glancing I mean why would a boy that cute be looking at me? Plain Ol’ Sandy Sully its not like im anything special Blonde hair blue eyes big-ish lips for a girl and 1 secret to hide NO ONE knew my secret apart from me I didn’t Dare tell anyone I knew I would loose all my friends because of it.

         While I’m thinking about my secret he walks over and not your average walk kind of a Confident walk and asked what movie I was seeing when I said I don’t know he asked me to join his ‘group’ when I said No again he looked shocked and insisted, when I told him I was waiting for Demy and Hailey he asked that when they arrive if we would like to join them so I said Ok, now I look back on it not my best answer.

        Why I said yes im not quite sure but in some aspects its good and others horribly wrong. When Demy and Hailey finally showed up they were shocked to see me with ‘Sexy Bum’ as they now refer to him and asked how I got his attention that I would rather keep to myself.

     Well as they say better out than in so im going to tell you instead, When I was waiting for Little Miss’ Late 1 & 2, I was Kind of flirting with him doing little glances and playing with a strand of my hair plus standing my bum and chest were pointing outwards, I always criticize Hailey and especially Demy when they flirt like that but you know sometimes it can come in useful!.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2012 ⏰

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