Spencer reid headcannons

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(These are my headcannons, you don't have to like them or agree with them & I'll add more when I think of more)

-reid has a cat named after Maeve Donovan(probably a calico? Maybe a brown tabby)

-he LOVES Halloween and most likely has his decorations up right after September and keeps them up till thanksgiving

-he's not very open about his life, but when somethings wrong he does little things(like foot tapping a lot or tapping his fingers)

-I personally headcannon him as bisexual or asexual(maybe an Asexual Biromantic?) because he doesn't really care who he falls in love with as long as they love him back)

-After the events in coda(S6 E16)Spencer begins playing piano as a hobby, he exclusively plays the classics but occasionally plays newer popular songs

-JJ and Derek are his closest friends, he loves them a lot!!

-he brings Garcia snacks a lot(mostly when their case is in Washington)

-even after Blake left, Reid still stays in contact with her and even guest lectured for her new classes once or twice

-Reid's scared to love anyone after what happened to Maeve, he worries that his job can put them in danger and would never inter-team date

-When luke joins the BAU reid throws the idea of "no inter team dating" out the window

-reid accidentally told Morgan & Garcia about the crush, so now he never hears the end of it

-telling Luke about his crush was the hardest thing he'd ever done, (had he didn't know Luke was gay)but Luke told him it was okay

-the entire time this was happening Garcia made him tell her everything about confessing to Luke, how he felt etc
(I'll make a separate chapter for ralvez/reidvez headcannons)

-when reid was locked up, he had Garcia take care of Maeve the cat(as she was still caring for Prentiss' ex cat Sergio +he trusted her)

-reid has lots of those big soft blankets with animals/patterns on them

-reid has a bunch of beanie baby's from when he was a kid, he gave three to Henry

-he still has nightmares about what happened with Maeve, they're about as frequent as his Tobias nightmares(so once every two weeks maybe??)

-Reid does have some major trust and abandonment issues, so he doesn't tell anyone about his nightmares unless he knows he can trust them

-after prison, he would frequently look at closed doors feeling trapped and just stare at them(kinda as if he has claustrophobia)

-luke and JJ noticed his claustrophobia, and Luke tries his best to help

-he memorizes quotes and books for the team so whenever they're stressed or cranky he can just quote at them(inspired by @//redstarlight on Wattpad)

-he once accidentally called hotch dad and didn't look him in the eye for 5 months

-he's basically the entire teams little brother, or at least they treat him as if he is

-he's always the youngest, being only 38, the only time he wasn't was when Seaver was on the team, which wasn't for long.

-spencer shuts out everyone when something's wrong, no matter how close he will loose trust, and basically abandon his social/personal life

-spencer prepares for bad things to happen, but it still affects him sufficiently

-no matter what happens he still goes to work every day, even if he's in the middle of a period of depression

-reid has MAJOR insomnia

-instead of actually trying to sleep, he ideally goes out for walks or plays chess

-occasionally a couple of teenagers/adults will see him walking/wandering around in the park at 4am

-Morgan caught him walking by himself at 5am on a morning run a couple times, but never really asked about it

-his favorite superhero is Spider-Man and has Mix matched spider man socks

-the reason reid wears mix Match socks is because either he lost the other sock or he thinks the different colors/patterns go together which happens a lot

-spencer doesn't get drunk too often, afraid that his past addiction will come back

-but when he is drunk he'll be all warm and call random people in his contacts to tell them he loves them and or random facts

-he called Prentiss when it was 2am in London while he was drunk just to say he loves her

-"Spencer it's two am? Why the hell are you calling me?!"

"Y-yeah I just want to sayy I love(pronounced wuv) you Emily buh buh bye"

-he doodles at work when he's bored, some of the team has their own spencer Reid portrait

-spencer has a bunch of hospital gift shop teddy bears from Garcia after years of getting hurt while in the field

-Spencer's Hanks(Morgan's son) godfather

-he's basically everyone's godfather Henry, Michael, hank,

-he spoils the heck out of those kids with Garcia trust me

-reid constantly worries, he doesn't make it obvious, but he worries about the team, luke, his mom, his godsons, etc he just worry's a lot

-Gideon once promised to be Reid's best man at his wedding

-reid tries to find Gideon after he left constantly, not to tell him to come back, just so he can talk to him

-Gideon called reid son more than once and Reid was very happy

-when Gideon died reid tore himself apart emotionally, thinking that he could have saved him, or done anything to help him even though there was nothing he could have done

-spence was the only member from the team invited to Gideon's funerals by Stephen(Gideon's son) just because of how close they were

-spencer cried a lot at his funeral

-Reid has a secret fear of birds, and when rossi found out about it he made fun of him for a week

-"at least I'm not afraid of bir-"


-spencer has a blanket that Luke calls "his stupid blanket" which is basically a duvet cover(that's not very soft) in a very earth tone(inspired by Greys Anatomy)

-as much as Luke hates to admit it he loves Spence's stupid blanket

-spencer and Luke murmur to each other throughout the day, weather it's about the case or something else is something only they know

-the team probably has a spencer reid protection squad and Derek Morgan is the leader

-and after Derek leaves JJ takes his place as the leader of the squad

-spencer was president of a stargazing club in high school
...because he was the only member...

-because of that he has a patch on his bag that says "stargazing club president"

-Morgan asked him about it once, but Spence didn't tell him he was the only member

-Henry, wanting to be like his uncle Spence, joined the club as Vice-president they meet to talk about stars on Wednesday's

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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