Chapter 1 - Ew no! Who would wanna play with you?

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It was a windy day while I walked through the mysterious streets of Mystic Falls. It was around 7:00 when I was heading to school. I brought an umbrella with me just in case since it seemed like it was gonna rain. One thing I'm not happy about is seeing Blake, Zack, and Jordan. The three bad boys of the school.


Welcome to my life. Most importantly welcome to Emma Ford's life. The most sad, depressing and horrible life. You probably must be wondering why my life is so depressing. Well let's get started.

My name is Emma Ford and I'm 17. I live in Mystic Falls. Not really nice but simple. I go to George Brown High school and I'm pretty much bullied everyday. By now you must be thinking I'm that annoying girl at school. But no my story is different then all these other bully stories. Let me tell you how this all began.


It was a nice day until I met Zack Barnes, Jordan Williams, and Blake Johnson. Their not these normal guys. Their the bad boys. All the girls fall for them as usual. Oh and I almost forgot, don't forget the Twinkie's. Also known as Bethany Keys, Heather Rusnyk, and Sarah Hilfiger. They have bullied me since 2nd grade. And now I'm a senior. It was THE. WORST. TIME. OF. MY. LIFE. yep you got that right. Well let's go to where it all began.

"Hey Jordan! Wanna play hide and seek?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Ew no! Who would wanna play with you?" He said as my eyes teared up.

"Aw! Is she gonna cry??" Blake said as he came closer to me and stared into my eyes. I tried to hide it by backing away and covering it but just as I was about to Zack came from behind and yanked me backwards. Making me fall onto the floor he grabbed my arms backwards and held them tight. My arms were sore cause of how tight he held them. Right when he held them Jordan came and punched me in the face which made my nose have a bruise. I just wanted to leave, but right when I made the move to escape the teacher walked in they ran out of the halls.


Now you know my life was a living hell. People mostly bullied me because of my innocence. They thought I was that good girl who gets good grades and never gets in trouble. It's honestly not that hard. They could do it to all they need to do is study hard and avoid getting in trouble. But as you all know they wanna be the "cool" type so they need to be bad.

"I wish I could move." I sighed. I was walking through the hall on my way to history class with Mr. Matthew. Once I arrived I sat down at the last row on the last desk on the right. Mr. Matthew talked and talked about the history of the Romans. It was honestly really interesting. Now that school was over I was about to leave to go home.

As I walked onto the porch with my heavy backpack filled with projects and homework to do I took my key out from my bag and opened the door. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled so they could hear me. "Hello sweetheart!" My mom said as she walked in. "How was your day?" She asked. Of course I did not tell her what happened. She does not know anything about my bullying and I'm planning on making it stay that way. "It was good." I said with a fake smile on my face.

I walked into my room and sat on my comfy spinning chair and got my homework out. I set my homework on my desk and began doing it.


Hello dear readers! Hope you have enjoyed my story! I know I wrote a really small chapter but don't worry this is just because this is the first one. The rest will be long! I promise! Anyway this story was inspired by TGGBB. A story written by @Rubix8920. Go check her story out! TGGBB is The good girls bad boys. It's a really nice story and it's awesome! I recommend it. I'm not copying the story for all these people wondering. I'm only getting inspiration from it. This story will just be about Emma being bullied and then there will be a little twist at the end.

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