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as the wind blew,i was pulled by youto your safe haven –a place you cherishedand loved

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as the wind blew,
i was pulled by you
to your safe haven
a place you cherished
and loved.
honoured and humbled,
my eyes glistened
with admiration
at how you let me
into your life,
when you were ten.

bright eyes that worked
miracles of blue angel.
a childish humour
making its way on your face.
you took me
across barns and then,
empty roads.
your face turned back
to meet mine
occasionally and
you gleamed.

you were radiant.
you were brighter
than the midday sun.
contagious and
did you know you
were a creeper
wrapping carefully
and firmly
around my
gossamer heart.

taking me through
what seemed like a
small cave,
we entered a place
that shone and
rivalled the gleam
on your face.

pointing towards your oasis,
you gave me a look
of intense hope and said,
isn't that pretty?

it was.
you became the oasis
in my life.

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