ˢᴴᴬᴸᵀ ♧ ᶠᴬᴷᴱ ᴸᴼᵛᴱ

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For you I could pretend I was happy I could hide away the sorrow.

"Shu, come one, take a break from practicing already! Let's go to the carnival!" Valt whined playfully as he shook his boyfriend's shoulders as to convince him.

"I'll buy you the vanilla ice cream with cherry eyes that looks like you," he added with a smile.

The albino simply hummed, his vision still focused completely on the stadium.

"Shu, you said we would go after you were done with an hour's worth of practice~"

Valt reached to tug at his tie when all of a sudden the albino spun around and peppered him with kisses.

The blue haired male was so startled he fell onto the ground, where he grumbled and complained, "What was that for?!"

"For not letting me finish practice," he added with a sideways smirk. Valt scoffed and practically shouted, "I am letting you practice!"

The albino pulled him in for another kiss, a much softer and caring one on the lips.

"Let me continue for a bit more, 'kay?"

Valt sighed and sat down to watch. "Okay, but I'm eating your ice cream twin!"

For you I could hide my pain and be the one you always depend on.

"Shu, look there's a plush doll that looks just like me!" Valt exclaimed as he pointed at a Sonic the Hedgehog plush toy.

The albino walked over and won it for him. He couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with his boyfriend's cuteness when seeing him fanboy over all the carnival prizes.

A couple of girls huddled together squealed at the sight of such a couple.

"There so cute together."

"I wish he was my boyfriend."

"Too bad good things aren't forever."

"Guys, is that a human Sonic?!"

The two boys fortunate didn't hear the fangirls conversation until suddenly-

"Shu? Is that you?"

The albino spun around and grinned at the sight of a female from the past. He ran to her and spun around saying, "Namari, it's so great to see you!"

The brunette hugged back tightly. "I missed you so much, albino man!"

Valt stood in confusion as he watched the two hug. A twinge of jealously stung him as he asked, "This a friend of yours?"

"Yeah, this is my ex-girlfriend Namari, and Namari, this is my boyfriend Valt!"

Shu and his ex began a small conversation while Valt stood excluded from their reunion.

Why are they acting so close? He thought discreetly. She is the one he had before me, but it's not like he loves her still.

He glared at his boyfriend, whom had just won a prize and had handed it to Namari.

Why did he win her a prize? I thought we were supposed to be together right now..

Namari then left as she smiled back at Shu over her shoulder. He returned back to Valt and sighed in content.

"She's as sweet as ever, but it makes my heart ache."

Valt held back his tears and kissed the albino on the cheek. "Do whatever you'd like, as long as you're happy, I'm happy."

He ruffled the smaller's hair and kissed his forehead. "Thanks Valt."

I wish love was a perfect emotion, I wish I never had to be awoken.

The blue haired male groaned in fustration. The albino had wanted to go through the house of mirrors about 5 minutes ago and had never emerged.

He was about to go find him but stopped as he heard Shu's cute laugh.

The albino walked out hand in hand with Namari. He heard her say, "Look, there he is, just get it over with?'

Valt was shocked. "Get what over with? Shu, what is she talking abo-"

"I want to break up."

The blue haired male's heart dropped. Namari giggled and kissed Shu on the lips.

"W-why Shu? I deserve an explanation now."

The albino groaned. "I don't love you anymore, I realized it was a mistake to leave Namari when I still have feelings for her."

They walked off into the distance of the setting sun leaning their heads against each other's, leaving Valt standing all alone, tears threatening to escape his eyes.

"But I love you Shu..."

I grew a flower that couldn't even blossom in a dream that couldn't come true.

It had been 2 weeks ago that Shu had abandoned Valt for Namari, and he was still devastated.

He had spent most of his time in his bedroom, emotionlessly staring at the ceiling.

His mom had tried to get him to eat but failed to do so.

Poor Valt.. he learned to love someone who couldn't truly love him back.

I'm so sick and tired of this fake love.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and a surprised trademark shriek with Valt had assumed was his mother.

He raced down the stairs, shortly regretting it after spotting his former albino boyfriend.


The blue haired male had already turned his back at him. "What do you want?"

"I was wrong to leave you, please I'm sorry, I want you to be my boyfriend again!"

Valt's eyes widened. He turned back and faced a nearly crying Shu. The albino said, "Just say yes, and I promise I'll make it up to you, but say no, and I'll leave you alone forever."

He bit his lip and thought about it thoroughly before making up his mind.

"Okay, my final answer is..."


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