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"You're not my type."
He says in a breeze.
"Well I'm glad because I don't like you anyways!" I replied.
He looked at me with a smirk and pushes my hair back.
Y/N : Hey what do you think you're doing?
Taehyung : I don't date girls with messy hair.
Y/N : Oh please you have some nerve to talk about hair, your hair is flat like a pancake.
Taehyung: I don't date girls with nasty attitudes either.
Y/N : Well , I don't date guys who dates new girls almost everyday.
Taehyung : Look I am very loyal when it comes to girls.
Y/N : You wish.
Taehyung walks away from my table and walks over to his friends. He's so annoying.

His name is Kim Taehyung. I've known him all of my life. Our mothers are high school besties so when they had us they decided we would be great friends. We would have sleepovers, open Christmas presents together, celebrate each other's birthdays and basically do everything together. He was almost like my brother. Until of course puberty happened to him when which every girl wants to be with him to the point where he became so popular in our high school. The only time we really talk anymore is when he teases me when he's bored. My mom tells me that I shouldn't worry about if he'll ever stop talking to me though. She says that Taehyung cares more about me than I think. I highly doubt that. If anything I should be the last thing on his mind. Besides I'm mostly just a childhood friend. I don't understand how girls get jealous of me just because Taehyung talks to me every once in awhile. We have the same Science class and occasional see each other at lunch.
If you don't already know Taehyung can be the most annoying person ever , but I'm sure you already know how I've stated him. My annoying crush. Taehyung may be smart but not enough to know that I've liked him ever since he gave me a valentine's card in 2nd grade. That card really means a lot to me. Almost as much as Kim Taehyung means a lot to me.

My annoying crushWhere stories live. Discover now