Black Tie Affair

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You knew that something was up with Nate; he suddenly came home one day and told you that he decided to take the job in Malaysia. You hated to admit it but you really wanted to go with Nate but you had your own work that needed to be done. Nate assured you that he would be back in about two weeks and at the time you believed him; you were supportive the whole time just begging him to be safe.

The very next day, after Nate left, Jameson came by the house to say hello and to talk to Nathan. You and Jameson talked for quite a while before he left and you were furious. Nate lied to you. The two of you had been together for years and you thought that there were no secrets between the two of you; but apparently you were wrong. Frustrated beyond any doubt you grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts until you found the one you were looking for.

The phone rang three times before a gruff voice picked up, "Well hello, darling. It sure has been a while but it's good to hear from you."

You smiled lightly, "Yeah, it's good to hear from you too, Victor. I have a question to ask you..."

The slight cheerful tone came across loud and clear, "Ask away, Y/N."

You took a deep breath and sadly spoke, "Sully, where is Nate? I know that he's not in Malaysia and if he's on a job... there is no one he would trust more than you with that knowledge."


You couldn't believe that Nathan would have taken on a job without you but now wasn't the time to be bitter. It would have been much easier if Nate had actually told you of his plans because as it happens one of the auctioneers was a very old friend. Your name was easily penciled onto the list without so much as a single questioning look or side comment. It was a bit of a ritzy event and you were going to be rubbing elbows with the richest of the rich so you put some extra effort into your appearance. You were wearing a fitted black gown that hung off one of your shoulders and you were wearing your best pair of matching black heels; it may have been impractical for many of your missions but you were trying to blend in.

This job was going to entail blending in and you weren't expecting to have to fight your way out but the night was still young. However, if being with Nate had taught you anything it was that he was good at finding trouble. You had to admit that it felt good to get all dressed up and honestly you had missed all of the excitement that came with taking on these jobs.

You arrived in the main ballroom and had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at all of the pomp and circumstance that these people put on; it was like a room full of peacocks preening their feathers. You scanned the crowd and quickly found Nate and Sully talking to a man that had his back towards you; you decided to approach them carefully. Nate had his back toward you as well and neither of his companions had noticed you which meant this was the perfect opportunity to mess with him.

You gently reached out and gave his bum a quick tap and tried desperately not to laugh as he let out a small startled yelp. You tried and failed to keep the smile from your voice as you playfully dropped it down to a purr, "Forgive me, sir, but you looked exactly like my husband..."

His rigid pose relaxed only slightly, his eyes widened marginally as he took in your appearance and the idea that you were actually here, "Y/N, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home."

Your expression turned serious, "And you're supposed to be in Malaysia. Look, Nate... it's me that we're talking about here. Besides you didn't cover your tracks very well. Jameson came by the house to say hello because apparently you were taking some time off and he wanted to convince you one last time to take the Malaysia job. Oh and I may have gotten a little tip from a friend on your actual whereabouts."

Black Tie Affair (Nathan Drake x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now