Chapter 1

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Hello there fellow Directioners, well I would hope that you are a Directioner because I'm one and this is a One Direction story.. But anyway I used to write stories on youtube just like 1D Fanfics but it was Taylena (Taylor Lautner & Selena Gomez) But I kinda stopped then my obsession for One Direction go bigger so I was like hey I should write a 1D Fanfic! So we'll see how it goes :D

Gracie's POV <3

"Gracie, can you blow up one more ballon?" My friend Claire asked in her strong westmeath accent panting well because she was justr after blowing up 20 on her own..

She held up a small red ballon,"Sure Bud.." I replied, bringing it to my mouth blowing air into it and proceeding to tie it to hold the air..Obviously..

Sarah, my other best friend sprinted into the living room in her 6 inch heels, hopping on one foot to balance after she realised it wasn't such a good idea to run in that high of heels. After she had regained her balance she began to speak, "Lads, look what I found!!!" She grinned, holding up a grey ballon pump..

"For fecks sake Sarah where did ya find tha?!" Claire exclaimed, grabbing the ballon pump from her grip.. "I just spent tha last thirty minutes blowing these up!"

Sarah bit her lip.."Err sorry babs.." Sarah apologized, using our nickname for eachother..

We were looking around at our great decorating skills until we heard Sarah's moblie phone ring.. Playing What makes you beautiful of course!

"OHHH! Its Nialler!!" She exclaimed, quickly picking up then putting her phone to her ear... She walked out of the room as she talked to him, her voice slowing fading away.. "Tonights gonna be a good night me thinks!" I said, just a little bit excited..

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! Well I'm Gracie, 17 from Mullingar.. Yes I know Niall Horan, dated him for awhile but thats another story for later on! He's finally back in town, I haven't seen him for some months since he was in X Factor and everything, I'm actually quite nervous to see him tonight but we're having a coming home party for him :)

Sarah strolled back in, taking a seat on the leather sofa, "You'll never believe it, Nialler actually forgot where your house was!!" She said, shaking her head in disapproval..

Claire and myself laughed, plopping down next to her.."When is the rest of the party coming?" I asked, before she could reply the doorbell rang, and almost in unison we all said,"PARTY TIME!"


The party was in full force, people drinking, dancing..and erm kissing.. But still no sign of Niall! I sighed walking from the kitchen to the living room where most of the party was, keeping check that everything was alright..

I heard a muffled voice from behind me, well I could hear many since the music was blasting before I knew it I felt two arms sneak around my waist and that chuckle..

"Hey Gracie!" Niall said-shouted, hoping I could hear him over the loud tunes, I turned to face him engulfing him in a tight, cosy hug.. It had been months on months since I had hugged him, and to be in his embrace again was paradise.. The smell of his Armani aftershave filled my nose, and that.. feeling I got everytime we touched..

He pulled away and made intent eye contact with me, his ocean blue eyes stared deeply into mine..I was instantly hypnotized..God Gracie hes just your old boyfriend.. "Hows it goin' Gracie?" He asked in his stroung irish accent although I had one too his was much cuter than anyone ever in history that lived in Ireland.. Jesus Christ I am obsessed.. His hands stayed on my hips, and had no intention of moving either..

"I'm doing well, but how are YOU? Mr.I-Won-XFactor!" I laughed, shaking my head in my weirdness as I watched him chuckle.. "We didn't win we came 3r-" He blushed, before I cut him off "In my eyes you won!" I smlied..

Nialls grin grew bigger, "I'd like to introduce you to some people!" He grabbed my hand (HIS HANDS WERE SO SOFT! Breath Gracie breath..) He pulled me outside of the house and into the garden under the moonlight.. Then all of a sudden One Direction were right infront of me!!!

"Vas happenin!" I heard 4 sexy voices yell..


That was it for the first part <3 I don't know if its short or not but its just a little bit of whats to come I guess! Please do comment and vote and whatever you do on wattpad, I'm new to this so :P

Thank you for taking the time to read this <3

Old Flames & New Flames {A One Direction Love story}Where stories live. Discover now