And Washed The Spider Out

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It's 10 minuets past Peter's curfew and Tony is absolutely not freaking out.

Not at all.

"Tony, c'mon man," Rhodey says from his place on the couch, watching as the totally not worried billionaire paces across the hardwood floor. "Its only been a little while, I'm sure Pete is fine. He probably just got caught up saving crime and didn't notice the time yet."

Tony nods along with his best friend, eyes never stopping as they trace the still blank screen of the Baby Monitor Protocal. Raising one trembling hand to his hair, the genius tugs at the strands.

"I know, Rhodes, I know. I'm probably just worried for nothing b—" A boom of thunder cuts him off, the responding flash of lighting illuminating the dark streets below. "—ut I can't relax right now. Not when Peter's suit is off-line and there is a fucking hurricane outside."

Tony feels his heart speed up, swallowing and walking with jerky steps toward the window, placing his palm on the glass and watching the rain pound outside. After a second, he sees Rhodey come up beside him, his worried gaze warped from the reflection.

"You know you can't risk going outside right now, dude. After the last mission and your injuries, it's not a good idea."

Tony absentmindedly rubs at his still casted leg, the dull ache thrumming throughout his body. With a frown, the billionaire raises his phone to his eyes once more, feeling his frustration rise as the same blank screen greats him.

"I just feel—" Tony clenches his fists, feeling the metal creak in his grip. "—so useless, staying here and waiting while my son is outside. When he could be hurt. . . "

Rhodey sighs, his hand coming to rest against his brother's shoulder. The soldier gives Tony's arm a squeeze.

"If it would make you feel better, I'll go look for the kid."

Tony feels a flash of relief, as quick and as bright as the lightning streaming across the blacken sky. "Please."


When Rhodey ends up finding his Nephew, the boy is curled up under the archway of a building a few miles from the Tower.

"Peter?" The man asks, ignoring the wet and dirty concrete as he lands the suit a few feet away from the shivering spiderling. "Bud?"

"U-uncle Rhodey?" The boy asks, rasing his head to look up at the man just as a bolt of lightening zips across the sky, illuminating half his face in a fierce white light.

His mask is clutched in one trembling hand, the fabric soaked and dripping a steady stream of water onto the sidewalk.

"Yeah, Pete, it's me." Holding out a hand to block out the pounding rain, Rhodey leans down, sucking in a quick breath at the state he finds the boy in.

Peter is soaked down to the bone, his nose and eyes a deep red from the cold and his body racked with shivers.

Shaking his head, the solider quickly scoops the kid up in his metal arms, feeling his heart break as his nephew lets out a groan at the movement."It's okay buddy. I'm gonna get you home, okay?"

Quickly tapping into the com at the Tower, Rhodey adjusts Peter in his arms as he flies into the air, trying in vain to keep as much of the pounding rain off the boy as possible.

Tony answers after the very first ring, his voice breathless and quivering with barely held back panic. "Did you find him?"

Rhodey sighs, the sound staticky through the metal covering his face. "Yes but he's in rough shape, Tone. I would recommend having a hot bath ready for him and—"

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