Ch. 1 A Crazy Day

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 Narrator's POV (me)

It's the first day of school as kids start piling in begrudgingly. All the teachers were stressed except for one...His name was Mr. Baldi. The reason he was not stressed was because each year he would have one kid participate in his classroom, All of the kids in the school were terrified of Mr. Baldi even the teachers. He felt all alone but, he didn't have another job so he had to stick with this one...But one day....

Baldi's POV

It's the first day of school great... Time for sulking and eating lunch by my self this is going to be a fantastic year!! Why are people so afraid of me? Yeah I know that I might be a hard teacher at times but that still doesn't make me a horrible person! Apparently there is going to be a new principal coming today hopefully he doesn't ban me from eating all the donuts from the faculty lounge like the last one... Yes that actually happened... Don't judge me! He's supposed to come and meet the teachers at 12:00 when all the kids go to lunch. It's only 11:47 so might as well clean up my classroom for the 5th time... I walk towards the supply closet in my classroom I open the door and grab the Lysol wipes. I start cleaning my shelves but I hear a knock at my door. I don't get many visitors very often and usually it's little jerk kids that just want to hurt my pride... so I open the door and see a man... He looked very handsome with his dark brown hair and his hazel skin. He asked in his deep voice " Excuse me... but are you the Mathematics teacher?"

Prince's POV

Wow his classroom is clean! Doesn't he have any kids to teach? All the classrooms down the hall are all messy and their teachers either have to have a meditation session or a serious smoke break but he... doesn't seem stressed at all...  I ask him " Excuse me... but are you the mathematics teacher?" He answers nervously "Y-yes I a-am" I hear kids snicker in the hall I turn to them and look into their eyes they run away. I am very suspicious of why his classroom is so tidy so I ask " May I please see your attendance sheet" He goes walks to his desk and takes out one piece of paper. Usually classrooms like reading and science have a stack of papers for each kid. He frowns at the paper and walks back to me, hands me the paper and says " He doesn't even come..." I look at the paper than look back at him and say " I would like to have a meeting with you... please come to my office at 3:30 so we can discuss your lesson plans" His face lights up.

Baldi's POV

Wow someone wants to see my lesson plans! FINALLY! I asked him " Are you the new principal here?" He nods his head I frown he asks " Whats wrong you seem upset?" In a reassuring voice"It's just... I know you won't like any of the ideas I have no one does... They all ways turn them down and forget I even exist (lol)" He looks at me confused and puzzled "Well I just met you and I am not like the other teachers so please stop by when you have the chance..." I nod my head.... He walks off and I close the door I lean up against the door and let myself fall. I take a huge breath and let it out... Why was he being so kind to me?? Maybe he's just trying to gain my trust then back stab me at my weakest moment ... Should I trust him? Well I kinda have to he's the new principal after all so might as well get my best lesson plans together for him...

Prince's POV

 I walk back to my office and see my dad there the former principal from this school he says " Congratulations son! Make me proud" Then walks off. I sigh and sit down but then I heard a knock on my door... It's my girlfriend Playtime "Hey Baby" she says seductively I respond "Hey" She comes closer to my desk and whispers " Wanna play~" I stand up and tell her not here. She nods her head and kisses me out of the corner of my eye I see Mr. Baldi he looks different than when I just saw him...

Baldi's POV 

I grabbed the stack of papers I had set out to take to the office and walked down the hall I saw the other teachers look at me with disgust I didn't bother them I walked into the main office and said " Where is the new principal's office? " One of the secretary's pointed at the open door so walked over and stood in the door way frozen, heartbroken I don't know why but I felt like I was falling apart I gazed apon them he noticed so I knocked on the door the lady turned around and left pushing me into the door he said come in quietly so I walked into his office "Please close the door" I closed the door and notice than my sweater had been torn from when she pushed me into the door. Great I don't know how to sew... I stand by his desk waiting for him to say something but, it's too awkward so we just stare at each other. Then he noticed my sweater...

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