The one and only chapter lol

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Jarold and tiki walk into a homeless man's pissing area. The angry homeless man come at both of them with a rusty crowbar. "Aw fuck, we finna die nigga!," tiki exclaimed. They took a stance and used a dead cat on the street as a weapon. Jarold threw the rabid cat at the hobo. "asjdHFKJL LJKABDBJKFLASJKLFDHBASKJFDAS!!!!111" Homeless Bob screamed!. Homeless Bob contracted a yeast infection from the dead cat and grew into a huge cyst on his forehead and died on the spot. "Wow! You saved my life," Tiki said. "Hey man wanna fuck?" "Hell yea thot!" Jarold said.

They we passionately necking in the elevator on the way up to Tiki's apartment room when a man with a hitler mustache said to them "Nien! Hile! DAS JEWETH NIEN! NIEN!" Our heroes were now plotted again an angry German who thought they were jews that escaped the 40's. They pushed the button to close the door so they wouldnt die. They figured that they didnt have much time to live so they decided to fuck on the spot, right there in the elevator. Jarolds stiff bone was shoved into the sweet whole of Tiki. It was at that moment that a baby scream was heard. Tiki was pregnant with a baby and Jarolds willy was hitting it in the head.

The man with the hitler mustache was born. In a baby voice he screamed "You hecking flipper, you caused the Aryan race to die!." He then put mustard gas in the elevator and they all died.

Meanwhile, in the afterlife. Both of our heroes where shitty ass people so they were sent to hell to rot lol. They decided to fuck there since no babies were born in h,e, double hockey stick. Jarold pulled out his stiff schlong and inserted it into Tikis anus because a dead baby inside le pussy . Then Satan showed up. "The fuck are you doing you fat cunt wag won anal fuckers?, There is no fun allowed in hell faggot." Satan stuck his willy into the dead babys anus and pulled it out of Tikis puss hole like a baby shush kabob. Tiki was dead instantly and Jarold was crushed. Pewdiepie then appeared and resed both of them because, its hell, pewdiepie was there. Pewdiepie began raping satants mouthole and satan killed himself cuz he didnt was to contract triple gay like some kinda fag bag hag. Our heroes were then teleported into earth where they woke up from their awful nightmare. They then fucked while eating burger king to make sure they didnt lose their energy. The next day they walked into a homeless man named Bob's pissing corner. Jarold then shot the homeless man killed kim jong oon, killed tiki, launched all of the soviet union's nuclear arsenal, did vore to trump, gave steve harvey's mustache a footjob and then killed himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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