Chapter 10

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Zach's POV
We got in the car on our was to the girls house. "Guys. Gabbie is coming over to the girls house." Jack said. We all groaned. We don't like her incase you couldn't tell. She was spoilt and she acted like it. Jack knows we don't like her. She gets on our nerves. She just seems a bit off.
Jack's POV
We were on our way to the girls house and I told the guys Gabbie was coming. They groaned. I knew they didn't like her because 'she's a spoilt brat' or 'she's a bit off'. I didn't like the calling her those things but I couldn't stop them. Before I could say anything else we arrived at the girls house. We were greeted by Harper. Everyone said 'happy birthday' and I thanked them. I told them about Gabbie coming over. Then there was a knock at the door and my face lit up. She was her.

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