Chapter 12

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Avery's POV
It was her. She made my life a living hell. She would verbally and physically bully me. I was put in hospital! Five times! Jack couldn't have picked a worse girlfriend. He doesn't know what she's like. If I tell him he might think that I'm just jealous. I couldn't stay in that room any longer, I needed to get out. I ran upstairs and texted the girls that I just wanted to be left alone. And they listened.
Harper's POV
Jack's girlfriend came on and Avery's face immediately went pale. She looked like a deer in the head lights. Shortly after Gabbie came in she ran upstairs. We got really worried but then Avery texted us, telling us that she wanted to be alone. We thought it would be best to give her some privacy. Then Gabbie started to talk. "Is your friend ok? She seemed a bit unwell."
"Yeah she's not been feeling great recently." I lied. She was talking to Jack  and I can see what they mean when they say stuff about her. She's quite annoying. She acts flirty around everyone. She was really staring to get on my nerves.

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