Chapter 1: Josh

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Before the book start I would like to say that I (Shadow) will be writing Josh's P.O.V because obviously, I'm a guy and we thought it would be fitting for a guy to do a guys part and the opposite with the girl. Our writing styles are alot different so we are going to be writing in our style the first few chapters of the book, then we will join our styles in the chapters where they are actually communicating. Leave your comments, vote, and suspect more chapters from me! Enjoy everyone.


I had been waiting for my friend, Corbin, to show up in his Camaro. I thought I was running late, but then I realized he hadn't even shown up yet. It took me over fifteen minutes to pick out a shirt, let alone fix my hair properly. Dad decided to buy my clothes for me without much consideration on what I'd actually like to be wearing to school. Apparently, he thinks his son is some kind of jock, which I'm not.

First week back to school, and I was already bored out of my mind. Thank god it was Friday. I couldn't take much more of the torture the school subjects its students to, like putting me in the same math class as my younger, but twin, sister. I hope she already left for school, I didn't want to hear her stupid talk on how she's over acing her grade when I'm hardly passing.

I heard a guy with a loud voice scream from outside my window, and I went to look and see who it was, even though I knew. There Corbin was, sitting in his car, giving me that apologetic look of his. I sighed and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, grabbing my jacket and beanie putting them on, and slamming the door shut, just in case Maddie was still home.

He had his window rolled down and was still giving me that "I'm sorry I was late, but we can forget about it, right?" look that he had given me a thousand times. I rolled my eyes and threw my bag in the back of the car.

"What the heck were you thinking when you decided to be a half hour late without telling me? Let me guess. You decided to eat your Poptart before you got in the car because your were afraid of your hurting precious leather seats?"

He glared at me, then asked almost bitterly, "You goin' to that party tonight?"

"I might," I said, opening the passenger side door. I climbed in the car, and I was barely seated before Corbin started speeding off toward the school. Corbin was a lucky guy. I mean, he got away with most anything because his dad was the police chief. He was let off with nothing more than a warning at best. His speed was well over the limit of sixty. With any luck, we'd make it just on time.

After fifteen minutes of speeding down the road toward the nicer part of town, he made a sharp left turn and pulled into his reserved parking spot in front of the entrance to the high school. I grabbed my bag from the back and headed toward the school. As I was passing the front of the car to head in the school I saw that Corbin was sitting in the seat, waiting for me to go in the school so he could avoid me. He does this every time I comment on something little, like him being late, or missing a party because he's "busy," or not texting me to play an online video game with him. Sometimes I really wonder what goes on in his head. I walked down the hall toward my first period class, ten minutes late. Of course, everyone had to stop and stare as I walked into class. It's like they've never seen someone late before in their lives.

As I walked past all of the desks, I got a lot of unwanted stares. See the thing with my home room class was that they didn't care what others did, but if it in any way affected them, it's like the whole world explodes. I threw my jacket over my seat along with my bag when I hear a voice of a stressed out fifty year old.

"You're late, Mr. Matthews. As usual. Anyway class let's get on with the lesson."

Throughout that whole class I sat there, thinking about why everyone had to stare when I walked in to class, making me feel even more unwanted. Everyone kept looking at me and whispering stuff that was obviously about me, so I just kept my head down hoping that would take the feeling away. By the time I was done thinking of if I should go to the party tonight or not, Mr. Sanders called for class to be over and to do another stupid assignment that I wasn't going to do. I got up, got my stuff and started for the door without anyone giving me a "is that an alien" stare. Of course, they wouldn't let me out of the room without calling out names that picked at my skin.

"Hey, pill-head! You coming to Andrew's party tonight? I hope so. More time for you to be jealous of me and Luna," Leon said as I was going out the door, stopping my with his hand across my chest.

I didn't know why there was so much talk about a party when all they do is go and dance to top 40 music for three hours and all the cheerleaders talk about what cute guys they like, where they're shopping and trashing, and commenting on what everyone wears to the party that week. I looked him right in the eyes and smirked, "I'm sorry, were you trying to make me jealous? Because if you haven't noticed, I have a girlfriend, and she's way better than a fake barbie."

"Oh yeah. The girl with the boy name. Jordan right? You two are good together. You're both freaks. You should bring her too. Maybe you will actually do something other than just sitting there holding hands with her," he replied. It was just another lame comeback.

That's when I had it. I pushed Leon out of my way into the trash can, shot him a wicked grin, and looked back over my shoulder at everyone in the classroom. They were all staring at me, their eyes wide and their mouths hanging open. I turned and started walking down the hallway when I heard the commotion start.

"Fight back Leon! What're you doing letting the druggie push you around? Go get him!" His "gang" shouted at him while I walked down the hall to my next class. Unfortunately, Mr. Sanders had caught up with me, him dragging Leon, who was covered in garbage content.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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