Dream x Nightmare

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Nightmare x Dream (smut. I’m sorry)

As the room got darker, I tensed up, waiting for whatever was lurking in the shadowy corners of the room to pop out any moment. Dream frowned a little. He wasn’t too big on scary novels but one of his friends talked about the author of that book 24/7 and he wanted to be able to spike their conversations with the topic. And because Dream wanted to make them happy.
The sound of the front door beginning to open rang through the room, making Dream look up and widen his eyes. He was afraid it was the shadow monster from his novel coming to take him down to hell and eat his bones. The door slowly opened all the way and Dream shook a little, preparing for his final breaths.
“Fucking... Doormat,” Nightmare stepped in from outside, closing the door behind him.
“Huh?” Dream was a little confused, but also relieved it was just his brother. He had never heard Nightmare cuss at the doormat before up until just then.
“The fucking doormat. It’s so stupid.” He hiccuped and Dream realized he was drunk. “It says, ‘Hi, I’m Mat’ that’s so fucking stupid.”
Dream closed his book and set it on the small brown table that sat beside the couch. “But you picked that mat out,” Dream said.
Nightmare grumbled and walked over to Dream. He sat down and looked at his brother. “Well we need a new door mat. Maybe something that says ‘go the fuck away’,” Nightmare smirked some. “That would be the best god damned door mat ever.”
Dream smiled. “Haha. Whatever you say.”
“But wouldn’t that be the best god damned door mat?” Nightmare asked.
“Sure, it could be I guess,” Dream replied.
“Say it,” Nightmare hiccuped again.
“Say what?” Dream tilted his head to the side a little.
“That it would be the best god damned door mat ever.”
“Ok. It would be the best door mat ever.”
Nightmare got a little closer. “No, say ‘it would be the best god damned door mat ever’.”
Dream blinked. “It would be the best gosh darned door mat ever.”
“No, no, no!” Nightmare shook his head, “you have to say ‘god damned’!”
“You know I don’t curse, Nightmare.”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s the issue. You’re too pussy to curse,” Nightmare hiccuped again.
Dream sighed, not saying anything back since he knew his brother would try and make him curse if he tried to tell him he wasn’t scared to curse.
“Ugh. I have a headache,” Nightmare leaned back against the couch, closing his eyes.
“I could get you some water and aspirin if you’d like,” Dream said, being the good brother that he is.
“No,” Nightmare groaned. “That won’t help it.”
“What will help it?” Dream asked.
“If you’d cuddle me,” Nightmare put a hand in his forehead as if trying to soothe the internal pain away.
Dream was shocked. His brother never wanted to be touched and hated hugs, cuddling, and all physical contact unless he was strangling someone to death. “You must be pretty drunk if you seriously want me to cuddle you,” Dream giggled.
“Shut up and cuddle me,” Nightmare grumbled.
Dream shook his head and smiled some. “Okay but you’re gonna regret it in the morning.”
“Cuddle me or face-“ his sentence was cut off by a hiccup. “-my wrath.”
Dream nodded, still smiling as he gently laid his head down on Nightmare’s shoulder. He slowly wrapped his arms around Nightmare and closed his eyes. Nightmare sighed and opened his eyes a little. Nightmare looked down at Dream, looking over his clothing items and head. He had never really liked Dreams colorful clothes. He had always worn the same dumb old yellow cape with a star clip in the front. His yellow gloves were repulsing, along with his yellow boots and belt. He didn’t really mind his shirt too much, which came down over his butt and formed a V in the front with its opened gap. The white stripe that went down the center of his shirt was extremely annoying and he hated it with the blue. What bothered him most of all though was his crown. He had an inch thick crown that wrapped around his forehead and always seemed to mock Nightmare. It resembled joy and happiness, something Nightmare never really experienced as a kid since everyone liked Dream more and not him. Nightmare frowned.
“Take your crown off,” Nightmare demanded.
Dream looked up at him, shocked once again. “Why?”
“Because it’s annoying me,” Nightmare replied.
“But-“ Dream’s sentence was stopped when Nightmare pulled his crown off his head and threw it in the ground.
Dream looked at the crown, his eyes wide in shock. He then looked back up at Nightmare, wondering what pushed his button.
Nightmare had a history of anger issues and depression so Dream thought it would be in both of their best interest if he stayed calm. Right now, Nightmare was in his normal form. He had on his crown that was an inch thick with a crescent moon on the front. His shirt looked almost exactly like Dream’s but instead of blue, it was purple and the neck part was folded. He didn’t wear a cape like dream did and didn’t wear gloves. He did have boots just like Dream but they were a dark shade of purple and his pants were black. Dream thought it was edgy as fuck. Nightmare had seemed happy to Dream as a child until he took a bite of a dark seeded apple, which allowed him to turn into a gooey black monster with tentacles that came out of his back.
“You’re whole outfit is so fucking annoying, you know that?” Nightmare asked.
Dream stayed silent, unsure what to say.
“Take it off.” Nightmare demanded.
Dream widened his eyes. “What?”
“Take it off!” Nightmare repeated.
“O-ok. I can go change into a robe or-“ Dream started but was cut off by another one of Nightmare’s demands.
“No, you’re going to keep cuddling me. But I don’t wanna see your stupid outfit so you’re going to take it off.”
Dream frowned, knowing his brother didn’t mean to be so hurtful but he didn’t want to upset him further, especially with him being drunk. Dream began unclipping the star clip that kept his cape around his neck. Once it was off he set it down on the floor and looked up at Nightmare.
“Keep going you little shit,” Nightmare grumbled.
Dream gulped and pulled his gloves off and set them on his cape. Then he pulled his shirt up over his head, revealing his rib cage. Nightmare watched him as he set his shirt on the ground then kicked his boots off.
“Is this good?” Dream asked, now only in his socks and pants.
Nightmare shook his head, making Dream frown.
Dream slid both socks off then set them on his pile of clothing. Then he slowly unbuckled his pants and started sliding them down. Nightmare looked down at Dreams yellow ‘bone zone’, secretly aroused by the sight of it. Dream kicked his pants off all the way then covered his crotch. He looked away, a small yellow tinted blush spread over his nose.
“You’re not cuddling me,” Nightmare pointed out.
“Sorry...” Dream averted his eyes and slowly pressed himself against Nightmare, re-wrapping his arms around him. Nightmare hiccuped then gulped, wondering why he was getting dirty feelings for his brother. Nightmare gently wrapped his arms back around Dream, wanting him as close as possible. Dreams blush grew.
“I’m so fucking wasted,” Nightmare mumbled.
Dream only nodded in response.
Nightmare gently grabbed Dreams shoulder and pushed him down onto the couch. Nightmare crawled on top of him, looking down at him. Dream widened his eyes and let out a small huff, looking up at his brother.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Dream asked, a little frightened but excited, secretly hoping his brother would get a little frisky with him.
“I don’t know yet...” Nightmare replied, running a finger down Dream’s arm, making him shiver.
Dream gulped as Nightmare gently pushed himself in between Dream’s legs. Nightmare bent over Dream and slowly licked his cheek. Dream’s stomach fluttered in excitement as he turned his head to the side to allow more room for Nightmare. Nightmare smirked and placed his hands on Dream’s thighs, making him spread his legs op

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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