Wake Me Up

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I opened the scrapbook on my lap, flipping through the pages and looking at all the photographs. Each of them had an amazing memory attached to them- and all of them were made with Ed.

A picture of Ed standing in the snow caught my eye. He had a wide grin on his face and his bright red hair was tucked under a wooly hat that his mum had made him. Oh how he hated that hat, but I forced him to wear it because it was so cold and that was the only hat we could find. He was standing close to me as I took the picture and in his hands was a mini snowman that he had made. He was so proud of it and we kept it on the porch to see how long it would last.

 I remembered that winter vividly; we played in the snow all day, our noses and cheeks turning bright pink from the cold. We were laughing and drinking tea constantly as we enjoyed the winter holiday.

I remembered how it got so cold that our heater broke and how nobody could drive out to fix it because of the weather. I smiled as I remembered how mad Ed got because of this. In the end, we had to snuggle up at night to keep warm and it made for some amazing memories.

I turned the page, refreshing my mind with all the memories I had with him. On the next page there was a picture I had taken of a cup of tea Ed had made me. It was during his baking phase when he watched cooking shows religiously and was always trying to impress me with his skills.

That day he had tried to make me a cup of tea with the cool design in the foam. He had studied how to do it for what seemed like hours and it took him forever to actually do it. I remember sitting on the counter as I watched him stick the foam with a toothpick, his tongue sticking out as it always did when he was concentrating.

When he was finished, he handed me the cold cup of tea smiling. He had told me that he was going to make a leaf, but it ended up looking like a bunch of lines. Ed was proud of it though, so I gave him a rewarding kiss and drank the cold cup of tea as he watched me.

On the opposite page there was a Polaroid picture of me. It was taken during one of our many late night movie nights. I was wearing a shirt of Ed’s- he loved me wearing his shirts- and a pair of baggy trackies. I was pulling a pouty face and holding up the Shrek DVD. I loved watching it constantly; it was basically my favorite film and whenever it was my turn to choose what to watch, Ed always knew to put in Shrek.

But that particular night was very devastating for me. Our dog Truman had taken the DVD from the coffee table and ran away with it in his jaw. It made me feel better as I watched Ed chase the tiny dog around our flat. Truman had little legs, but he was deceivingly fast and he knew where all the good hiding places were.

So when Ed finally did manage to catch him, the underside of the DVD was scratched up from Truman’s teeth and completely ruined. Ed kept apologizing to me because he was the one who left it out, but it didn’t really matter what we watched. As long as I had Ed sitting next to me, I was alright. I told him this and he just grinned cheekily at me and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a big sloppy kiss.

I flipped another page of the scrapbook and smiled as I saw a photo of Ed playing Mario Cart with my older brother. As soon as we started dating, Bennett accepted Ed into the Warner family with open arms. They did everything together and they were basically best friends. If I wasn’t with Ed, Ben was. I had a hunch that it was because of Ed’s fiery red hair- Ben always had a fascination with gingers.

On that particular day, Ben came over with his Wii and some games. We both knew well that Ed didn’t like losing, and Ben thought it would be a laugh to introduce him to Mario Cart. The thing is, Ben had been playing that game nonstop for a couple of years now and he was a master at it. Ed never stood a chance against him.

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