Chapter 24

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Jacks POV
'Baby Josh❤️'... who was Josh? Could she be cheating on me? I really hope she isn't. I've been cheated on before and I don't like it. Not sure anyone does. I will ask when we get home. I don't want to make a scene here.
Harper's POV
The boys were staying at ours for a bit because the has to sort out house stuff since they were moving. We were all on the couches when Jack and Gabbie came through the door. Daniel and I were cuddled up in a blanket and Jack slammed the door. I jumped a bit and snuggled into Daniels chest. Jack seemed pretty annoyed at Gabbie but I wonder what for.
Gabbies POV
Jack found out about Josh. I tried to lie to him and say that Josh was just my younger cousin but he wasn't buying it. Yes I know it was wrong to cheat but technically I was cheating on Josh. He let me use Jack for fame and all but I was still with Josh first. I'm actually kinda glad that Jack and I are over because that means I can go back to my real boyfriend. The only thing is I can't ruin Daniel and Harper.

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