Chapter 3

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"Jack?" "Yes?" "You're going to need tutoring or you're going to fail this course." Mr. North said, sighing. "I have spoken with my best student, and she has agreed to help you. Ah! There she is now. You two can discuss your schedules now and set up a time." Jack swiveled around to find Elsa. "Hello Frost." She said coolly. "I hear you need help. When are you available?" "Why are helping me? Not that I don't appreciate it, but I know you don't like me very much." Jack said uneasily. "Just be happy I'm helping you, okay? I was about to take up another student but then Mr. North begged me to help you. Lucky for you, he's one of my favourite teachers." Elsa said. Jack nodded. "Are you free after school?" She said, looking at her agenda. "No... It's when I have basketball practice." Jack said, stuttering. God, why did she have to be so gorgeous? "Ah. That's why you haven't been doing your assignments. It's because you're too busy being a basketball star. I guess that means no lunch either... You can't leave your little lunch time worship and be seen with someone like me... I suppose it will have to be early in the morning then, hm?" Elsa asked. Jack was slightly disappointed. He would have gladly given up his lunch period if it meant he could be with Elsa. "Okay, mornings it is. What time?" "How about six?" Elsa said, looking at her agenda again. "Okay! 6am!" Jack said enthusiastically. "See you on Monday morning Frost. Don't be late."

Jack walked into the library at 6:30 to find Elsa sitting at a table reading a book. "Sorry I'm late." He said, slinging his messenger bag onto the table. "Why am I not surprised?" Elsa thought. "I have copied out some basic algebra problems that you can work on for the next hour." She said, sliding a piece of paper over to Jack. Jack smiled. "Thanks." Over the next hour, Jack worked on the problems, occasionally sneaking a glance at Elsa. She sat across from him, her hair in a messy plait. As usual, Elsa was engrossed in her book, once again oblivious to the world around her. "Hey, eyes on the paper." Elsa said. Jack's face burned when he realized he was caught staring at her. "Sorry," he mumbled. Glancing at the time, he realized it was almost time for class. "Uhhh... Can I go now? It's almost time for class." Elsa waved her hand at him. "Go. You can leave first. I know you can't be seen with people like me. Can't ruin the famous Jack Frost's reputation can we?" She said. "That's not true..." Jack said, trailing off. He knew it was. Things were bad enough as it was. Jack was already being snubbed by some of the more popular students for having a crush on Elsa. To be caught with her would be the final blow on his reputation. Seeing Jack hesitate, Elsa said, "Same time tomorrow, Frost. Don't be late." Jack uttered a thank you and a quick farewell and scurried out of the library.

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