1 • Inoccent Kid

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1982. In London. Thomas sat in a fancy restaurant when he saw a young girl. Maybe at the age of 7 or 8, she was alone on the streets and was sitting at the side. People passes by but he just sat there watching. He grabs his books then the plate with a untouched food and headed outside and towards the kid.

"Hey there, little fella. Would you like a lollipop?" A random man asked her before Thomas could reach her.

The innocent girl nods because of her rumbling stomach and a perverted smile appears on his lips.

"Come with me towards my flat, I'll give you some candy." The man said with a smile.

But the girl was smart, she knows what'# happening in his head. She just avoided his gaze then shook her head. The random man's smile falters and he grabs her shoulder aggressively.

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not. You're lucky I'll lead you to heaven tonight." The random guy said and a sickening smile plays on his lips.

Thomas who had already know what's going on if you would look at the child's scared face. He asked a random woman to hold his plate and stay there for a moment and heads towards the man.

"Oi, you! Let go of her!" He demands calmly and the innocent child's bright blue eyes gazes on him.

"What are you gonna do about it, huh? Punch me at the face multiple times?" The unknown man said before laughing crazily.

"Maybe, if you don't let go of her." Thomas replies with a threatening tone.

The unknown man pushes the innocent child making her hit the ground and scratch her head. He walks closely to Thomas and by the looks of the way he walks, he's completely drunk. He aims a punch towards the side of Thomas face but Tom just grabs the arm and knees it but not completely breaking it.

The unknown man grunts in pain but didn't surrender. He aims his other fist towards him but Thomas just caught it with one hand and then whispers, "You asked for this." then spun around and elbowed the unknown man at the stomach making the drunk man fall on the ground unconscious.

The girl sat up with tears forming in her eyes. Thomas ran towards her with a worried expression and took away the strands of hair on her face. He saw her scratch at the right temple and then the tears that was forming.

"I don't need to ask you if you're alright, I can see that you're in pain right now. Come with me." Thomas said and held her hand softly.

The innocent girl doesn't know why but she felt safe and warm around him. She follows him inside the restaurant after getting the plate from the stranger that was full of untouched food and both sat on their table.

"Ma'am, can I get a first-aid kit please." Thomas asks the nurse with a charming smile.

The female waiter came back with the first aid kit and Thomas murmured a "Thank you." before opening it and grabbing the things he need. He started curing her scratch and she flinched as it stings. Tears formed in her eyes making Tom's heart melt.

"Shhh... It's alright, I got you. It may sting a bit but at least we get to cure your scratch." Tom said to enlighten her.

"What's your name, mister?" She asked suddenly with curious tone.

"Thomas, Thomas William Hiddleston." He replied with a smile, still busy on curing her scratch.

"Such a long name, can I call you Tom? Tommy?" She asked with the sweetest smile he'd ever seen.

"You can call me anything, sweetheart. Free to choose." He replies returning her smile.

"Tommy's a cute name, but you're already a man so I'll call you Tom instead." She said playing her hair.

He nods in approval and then made a last touch and smiled, proud of what he have done.

"There you go, nice and better. Does it still sting?" He asked.

"Nope." She replied shyly and rocks her feet back and forth.

"Where's your parents?" He asked suddenly making her go silent.

"You don't need to answer it if you don't want to." He said with a comforting smile.

She took a deep breath before closing her eyes, "I don't know who they are, I grew up at my Aunt's but it happens to be that I was kicked out. So now, I'm all alone in this streets." She said sadly.

Tom suddenly felt broken when he saw the poor child cry in front of him. He wraps his arms around her and she felt his warmth. She rested her head on his chest and he just rubs her back.

"It's alright, sweetheart. I'll take care of you starting today." He said and she pulls away with her eyes twinkling.

"Really?" She asked with excitement in her voice.

"Yes really." He answered with a smile and ruffled her brown hair.

"Now, are you hungry?" He asked with a raised brow.

She nods shyly and he laughs before passing the plate towards her and she dug in it. He ordered some extra food and gave it all to her and only sipped on a tea. He wasn't hungry after all.


Hey guys, this is author-chan writing. I was just curious about what you think about my very first chapter.




I LOVE YOU SINCE 1982 → t. hiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now