Chapter 1 - E

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November 24th 2013.

I looked out of the car window observing the houses as we drove past them. The car came to a stop as we reached our new house. the drizzled rain made it seem uglier than before. I put the hood up on my grey hoodie and opened the car door getting out.

Something hit me on the back of the leg, I turned around to see a soccer ball at my feet.
"Hey, Sorry! Can you pass that over please?" A boy said. I looked at the house directly beside mine to see a group of teenage boys on the front lawn.

"Yeah sure!" I shouted through the rain. I kicked it towards them completely missing the boy who asked for it back and hitting the one beside him in the thigh. I covered my mouth feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry!" I shouted through the now hailing rain.

"Don't worry about it!" One of them Replied. I nodded and started to make my way to the front door of my house; realising the rest of my family were already inside.

"Hey wait!" Another boy said running up to me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to see he was right next to me.
"I'm Shawn, I live next door." He Said. His hair was curly, even though it was soaking wet - perfectly brown with eyes to match. He was tall, towering over my 5'5" body.

"Hi, I'm Emma. I'm just moving in today." I smiled up at him. He was beautiful. The kind of beautiful you only see rarely.

"Emma! Mom says get inside now!" I heard my older brother Jordan shout.
"Okay, I'm coming." I shouted back to him.

I returned my focus to the boy in front of me.
"You should probably get inside it's freezing." He told me. I nodded.
"You should too, it looks like your friends have." I suggested.
"Shit, they've probably locked me out." He said chuckling. I giggled lightly.

"Bye Shawn." I said waving. I turned around and walked to my house.
"Bye Emma, see you around I hope." He Said. I looked back and saw him run inside his house. I smiled to myself and went into mine.

"Sorry mom." I said walking in and taking off my wet and muddy shoes.
"It's okay sweetie, hurry up and go get a good room or your brothers will take them." She told me winking.

All three of my brothers were standing at the stairs. Mom probably made them stay and wait for me.

"It's on bitches." I said running up the stairs past them. I went to the third and top floor of the house and looked around. Only one room and a bathroom. This is mom and dads.

I quickly ran down the steep flight of stairs and into the first room on the landing. It was at the side of the house with a window that looks into what I think is Shawn's house. It was fairly big with a large bay window and a walk in closet joined to a jack and Jill bathroom I would have to share with one of my brothers. I walked outside of the room and looked down the corridor.

"I've got my room!" I shouted throughout the house. No reply. Guess this one is mine then.

I walked back downstairs to see my dad bringing in the many boxes from the moving trucks. I looked around and found any I could labelled 'Emma's shit' I found two firstly and carried them up, I proceeded to find many more and do the same routine.

Once all of the boxes I could find were in my room i went downstairs to see my that my brothers had already set up the games consoles.

"Hi." I Said as I sat down on the floor next to them since dad was building the sofa right behind us.
"Hi." Ethan replied, my twin brother. His eyes were fixed on the tv screen already.

"Mom I think I might go and see the neighbours." I told her.
"Yeah, just come back before it's dark Emma." She told me I nodded and slipped on my vans that were placed at the door along with another five pairs of shoes.

I walked out of the house and over to where Shawn lived and knocked on the door. Another boy answered who wasn't Shawn.
"Hey." He Said.
"Hi, I just moved in and wanted to come and say hi." I told him. He smiled at me and turned his head.

"Well I don't live here but Shawn won't mind if you come in." He to me. He opened the door wider and I walked inside.

"I'm Taylor." He Said.
"Hi, I'm Emma." I Replied. He motioned his head over to a room full of boys.

"Hey Emma." Shawn said smiling at me.
"Hi." I Replied.
"Well, you coming in or what?" He asked me. I smiled and laughed as I walked into the room followed by Taylor. I sat down on a open space at the end of the sofa.

"I just thought I'd come round and-" I started speaking but I was interrupted.
"You don't haft to have a reason." He Said. I nodded and looked around the room. There were about 8 other boys besides Taylor and Shawn in the room.

"These are my friends." Shawn told me.
"I gathered that." I said sarcastically.

"Well thats Cameron, Aaron, Matt, Jack J, Jack G, Nash, Hayes and Carter." He said, he pointed each one of them out to me.

"I'm Emma." I Said to all of them.
"So, Emma." Nash said, "how old are you?" He asked me.
"I'm fourteen." I told them.
"Yeah we're all about the same age." One of the Jacks said, I didn't know which one. I was already mixing them up.

"Where are you from?" Cameron asked me.
"San Francisco." I told them.
"Cool." He Replied.

"You guys don't all sound like your from here." I stated.
"No we're not." Carter told me, "Shawn's the only one from Canada." I nodded and smiled at all of them.

"Why'd you move here?" Taylor asked me.
"Well my older brother got kicked out of our old school and my dad got a job offer here with more money so we're here now." I told them

"So what's your thing then?" Shawn asked me.
"My thing?" I Replied, I was confused.
"You know, your thing?" He Said.
"Oh." I came to a realisation, "I'm a swimmer."

"You?" I asked him in return.
"Hockey and singing." He Replied.
"Very Canadian." I Said laughing.
My phone buzzed in the back of my jeans pocket, I lifted it out and looked at my screen.

From Adam
Mom wants u to come home x

"That's my brother, I got to go." I Said standing up. They all nodded.
"I hope I see you all again." I told them.
"Me too!" They replied shouting since I was at the front door. Shawn came up to me.

"I'll walk you over." He said putting on his shoes.
"No shut up, you don't have to." I told him.
"Yeah I do, it's a bit dark." He smiled at me and opened the door. We walked together along the path only for a few short seconds before we got to my front door.

"Thanks." I Said. He unexpectedly pulled me in for a hug and I entered his warm embrace.
"See you later." He said letting go of me.
"Bye." I walked into the house.

"Already got yourself a new boyfriend." Jordan said nudging me as I walked over to the living room where the sofa was now built.

"Shut up." I Said slapping his stomach. He laughed and I sat in between him and Adam with Ethan on the other side of Jordan and mom and dad on the other sofa.


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