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All around you is blackness and fear you feel it yourself but sense it in other people. You wake up still paralyzed but can see, you turn to your left and see Yoongi (finally off his phone), and a worried J-Hope. Jin on the other hand just sighed of relief and beamed at you.
J-Hope: Thank goodness we thought you were dead!!
Yoongi: Yeah I was actually quite worried I mean I'm just glad your okay.. hehe
Jin: Well I'm so glad your alright how was It in the ambulance?
J-Hope: Hey Jin she probably doesn't want to talk!
Yoongi: Yeah..
Jin: Oh sorry..
You: It's fine Jin and yes I-i'm okay but uh-
J-Hope: Wait sorry if you don't mind me asking but like do you know how you fainted?
Narrator: As soon as he said that you gulped, you remembered the incident just like it was yesterday (in fact it was literally yesterday), you remembered him coming over to you his beautiful face and the way he walked...
You: *sigh*
Yoongi: Uh you okay over there?
You: What?
Yoongi: He asked you a question.
You: Oh sorry uh.. no I don't know what happened.
Jin: Maybe it was because of Jungkook..
J-Hope and Yoongi: Seriously Jin this is not a time for messing around!
*Doors burst open and Namjoon enters*
Namjoon: Why hello there guys how are you?
Yoongi: What do you think?
Namjoon: Oh uh sorry.
You: It's fine *smiles*
J-Hope: Oh yeah uh so the doctor said that you can come out now so we were just coming to take you back home.
Jin: Yeah so uh see you Namjoon..
Namjoon: Wait before you guys go I just have a message that I needed to say to her.
Yoongi: Nope sorry dude gotta go so ta ta now!
Jin: Yeah toodles!
J-Hope: See ya.
You: Uh bye?
Narrator: The boys lift you out of bed and Yoongi grabs you by the hand but before you rush out the door..
Students: Hey wait!!

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