Chapter 1

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I awoke in a strange room, with strangle tools I knew nothing about. I looked to the side to see a little monitor, with a green light in the middle going up and down every time it goes pass the screen. I looked at my body to see things hooked up in me, where the hell am I? Who am I? And why on earth am I here?

Then, a man in a white coat with a clip board came in, "Well, if it isn't a miracle, I don't know what is." he uttered, what the hell did that even mean, "Um...hello?" I said very confused on this hole situation. "I'm glad to see you're awake after so long Mr. Roman." the guy in the white coat said, wonder who this Mr. Roman guy is, "Who's Mr. Roman?" I asked him curious in who the guy was. The guy in the white coat looked at me with confusion written on his face, "You're Mr. Roman. James Roman to be exact." the guy explained, so my name is James? If it is, why didn't I know that? "You can't recall your past can you?" the white coat guy asked me and I nodded to him signaling yes. "Oh I'm so sorry. Well, I'm Doctor Shane Grim, I've been your personal doctor since you were a kid James." he explained to me and then I suddenly had a vision. The vision had Shane, only he was younger, and a little boy. I think that little boy Yea, I do remember him, every time I always got hurt my mom rushed me to the hospital and he was always there to help me. "Would you like me to call your family James?" Shane asked, I have a family? "Family? Um, sure?" I said with confusion echoing in my voice. He then left the room, and all I could after he did...was what happened to cause my memory lost.

After an hour passed by, four woman came into my room, two adults and two teenagers. They all looked familiar to me, but i couldn't place a name on them. "James? James do you remember who I am?" the oldest woman asked me. I was thinking and thinking, but no memory of her was in my mind, "I'm sorry, but I don't remember who you are, or the other three girls." I answered her, an the oldest girl had a tear in her eye. She then went over to the three girls and pointed to the oldest one, "This is your oldest daughter, Sarah. She is twenty years old." she explained to me. I have a daughter? Are they all my daughters? She then pointed to the oldest teenager, "This is your second oldest daughter, Megan. She is eighteen years old." She explained, and as she was explaining, I started having another visions. I had a vision of me in a army uniform, looking younger then I look now. I was hugging three little girls. It was the three girls standing in front of me as kids. As she pointed to the last girl, I felt like I knew her name. "Michelle? And she is sixteen years old, right?" I uttered and I saw the girl face brighten and she ran over and gave me a big hug. "Daddy! You remember me!" She said, hugging me tight as possible, hard to breathe. "Okay Michelle let James go, he still hurt." the older woman said to her, "Oh, sorry daddy." she said with sorrow on her face. I use my back hand to brush against her face "It's okay sweetie." I say and she gives me a cute smile. I knew she was happy to see me again, all them was, but I'm not really happy cause I barely remember them. it's sad I don't remember my own family.

I was cleared to leave the hospital, they gave me clean clothes and Carrie, the oldest woman, drove us home. Mid-way through the drive, I fell asleep, and began having a strange dream. If had me in a battle field, with guns shooting, people screaming, and bombs exploding. There was a man laying next to me, with his legs completely blown off. Blood was gushing from the limps as I pulled him behind a rock for cover. "You're gonna be okay Rich!" I yelled to the man an then pulled a walky-talky. "You mother fucker! You set us up! You fucking set us up!!" I yelled into the communicator, and a grenade landed next to me "Oh shit!" I exclaimed and scrambled to my feet and got the man and ran, but it had already exploded. The dream then ended, I had awakened in the car still. What the hell was up with that dream? Was that even a dream? What if... it was another vision of my memory...

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