Poem 1

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I always looked for you,
Every day and night,
I would leave the house and look.
Across crowds of people,
Humans none like you.
Red hair and freckles,
Fair skin and bright blue eyes,
Big hands that look perfect to hold,
A smile that shined,
And the personality of an angel and devil combined.
Beautiful but dangerous.
Amazing but torturous.
You made me see myself like never before,
I saw you  and felt as though I was looking into a mirror,
A mirror that showed pain and love,
And lust and Care,
But you were perfect and I'm sure you still are.
I lost control of me,
and I know I can't see you again.
But you are my love forever,
My best friend and caring dude,
I love you Broski I really truly do.

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