Chapter 24: What?

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"Get back here!" Logan ran through the crowded street, chasing after Ashton. "Tell me where Alice and Alana are!"

"Damn," San followed behind. "He is fast."

"Yeah, well, I'm faster too," Logan growled.

'Let me take over,' Gan said. 'I will catch him. Don't worry; I won't shift only take over your body.'

Alright,' Logan said.

He allowed Gan to take over his body. And now he was running at full speed.

"Whoa!" San had to keep up.

Eventually, Logan caught up with Ashton and jumped him. He slammed him against the ground. "Tell me where they are?!"

Ashton groaned. "Hey!" San stepped on Ashton's hand. "Logan, did you forget about the gun, idiot."

"Ah," Logan shook his head. "Ashton, tell me!"

"I don't know," Ashton growled.

"Your lying," Logan punched him. "I know you know where they are; you don't want to give the location up. If something happens to them, I won't have mercy on you."

"Do what you want," he spat blood out.

Logan screamed and kept beating Ashton to the point where he was close to shifting. San stopped him. "If he's dead, there is no point. What we can do is take him and his buddy to the Alpha. He will know what to do and how to get information."

"Where is that human?" Logan asked.

"I tied him to the bed," San said. "Now, let's go."

Logan nodded and hauled Ashton up. They went back to the hotel and were surprised to find Ezra and a few other men with him. One of them stood out the most.

"Wow," he laughed. "Your brother did a number on him. I'm impressed."

"Logan, this is Drake," Ezra said. "Kaden's father."

"Nice to meet you," he said. "Oh, this is San, my friend."

San nod.

"Now then," Drake smiled. "Ashton and his friend will join me. Take them."

Logan sighed. "Let's go," Ezra said. "We are going with them."

Logan nod.

An hour later, they were at the house. And Logan was feeling a bit shy. Especially with Drakes's wife. She's a beautiful woman.

"Here," she was currently tending to Ashton's wounds. "Even though you are a prisoner. You aren't bad." she smiled.

"How can you tell?" Ashton asked.

"I can see it in your eyes," she said. "Plus, I am a mother. I know when my child is lying to me. Even though you aren't my child, I can still tell. I know you're a good kid, and you did those things because you had no choice. But if you tell me where they are, I promise you and your friend will be set free."

"Tiara," Drake growled. "You can't be making those types of promises."

"Hush," Tiara smiled. "Well, will you take my offer?"

Logan watched Ashton's expression. "I took them to my boss's house. But from there, I don't know. All I can give you are directions to the house and warehouses."

"Warehouses?" Drakes growled.

"Wolf fights," he said. "Some are used for that and there to breed them."

"Not again!" Drake sighed. "We have to make a move now. I'll call Clay, you boy, write all the addresses that you know of." Ashton nod.

Logan stood and sighed. "I am going too." Drake didn't argue. But Ezra did.

Book 1: Double The TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now