What do you know about writing? One thing that should be known about writing is that you don't need to be in a mood to do so.
The truth is, you can use any mood to write. Set aside 15 minutes, identify a situation in your life which can be a recognizable mood or emotion.
★ I'm angry at my partner.
★ I love the fall leaves.
★ I'm sad about (someone's death).Rage; an emotion that steams under your skin, bones shake and raddle. Sadness follows in like a babble from a brooke, you bath in the morning of rays that fall down your cheeks as you hands shake...unsatisfied. You feel unsatisfied with what is said to you; what is said to a child. You are just a child, you don't understand how to feel, you don't know what is being said—you are just a child. The rays of light fall further down your cheeks as they fall to the floor below you, stars combust on this floor as you watch slowly. Tears slide down continuous as your breathe shudders deeply and you clench your fist. "All I am is a child...I have no thoughts or opinions. I am to sit there and be pretty as I do what is expected of me, I am not just a child! I have a choice, it doesn't matter what your position or power is. I am a being, a person in humanity that deserve some respect for what I do for you without thought; without object and with as much love as I can give you...yet I am just a child to you."
What is the purpose of writing?
RandomThis will hopefully help me start writing again, to hopefully get me to see that what I write is not for anyone else but for myself, to grow and see what I can accomplish. So, I will be answering personal questions to myself and general questions of...