Chapter 30

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Jack's POV
The next flight to Ontario was in a week. Why? Why do so many people want to go to Canada? I booked it. I wanted to go alone. I needed to see Avery everyone else gave her some space. I can't bare it anymore without her. I packed my bags ready and I went downstairs to tell everyone. "I need to tell you all something."
Everyone looked in my direction waiting for me to say what I needed to say. "I'm going to visit Avery. I know she needs space but I need to see her. Please don't tell her because she might not be happy. Just keep it a secret. Also can I have her address?"
"Ok. I'll text it to you. Don't mess it up. And if she's a bit upset try to reason with her but don't,I repeat don't make her mad otherwise she'll never come back. Mkay? You got that Avery." Allie told me. Who knew she could be so scary. I nodded and mumbled an ok. I knew this week was going to go slow. I really need to see her I want to tell her something.

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