The Haunted Mansion With Kittypie2003, Starpeltofskyclan and Kittymeowface

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"i dare starpeltofskyclan, kittypie2003 and kittymeowface to go to a haunted mansion and stay there for one night" ~starpeltofskyclan

Star- O_O i shouldnt have said anything *gazes up at haunted house*

Meowface- agreed                                                                                                                                                         Kitty- *face palms and pulls out a pie from her creepily large pockets and shoves in into stars face        Star- OWW the cherry went right in my eye. wait. were did sky go?                                                                    *they turn around and sky is running in circles screaming* I HAVENT WRITTEN MY WILL YET.  SKYLOX WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!!!     (AND ITS ALL STARS FAULT)                                                                                                                                                                              kitty-should we help him...                                                                                                                                                                meowface- Lets just go in already

*time skip of trying to catch sky, going to subway for lunch and sky giving a hobo his spicy chips and watching the unicorns dance on the double rainbow. maybe i shoulnt have timeskipped this...*

Sky- curse you star *huddles up in a corner rocking back and forth*                                                           star- sorray                                                                                                                                                               kitty- do you here that sound?                                                                                                                    meowface-yah... and do you see that white bed sheet hanging in the air?

*bed sheet starts saying*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 creepy sound/sheet- darn you gave me to many spicy chips for lunch and i got the runs. do you know how hard it is clean up the runs when you have no place to put it? did  you even know that the nineteenth president died from the runs? ( true story ) I COULD HAVE DIED.                                        *sky and star hug and scream while kitty walks up and removes the white sheet and reveals a smiling deadlox.                                                                                                                                                     everybody- deadlox?                                                                                                                                                deadlox- get it...deadlox?                                                                                                                                        sky- how did you know about the chips....                                                                                                          deadlox- i may or may not have been spyeing on you throughout the day.... (SKYLOX IS REAL)             meowface- lets just get out of here!                                                                                                                   kitty- AGREED. wait...I ONLY HAVE THREE THOUSAND MILLION PEIS LEFT TO THROW AT PEOPLE. GUYS...WE HAVE TO STOP AT THE BAKERY

*every one face palms*

how did you like it? it long...yah...but leave another scenario in the comments and i will hopefully get better at this whole scenario thing. luv yah guyz...POST MORE SCENARIOS...YAH...yah...merf


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