Chapter 32

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Jack's POV
"Jack!" "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you."
"Um yeah I realised. But why?"
"I missed you Avery. I need you to come back." I pleaded
"Jack...I don't know."
"Come on please."
"Why should I?" She said sounding a little nervous. I came a sat down on her bed with her and I her her hands. I looked her in the eyes and started speaking. "Avery I missed you so much. I'm so sorry for what Gabbie did to you, just so you know I broke up with her about a month ago or something like that. I missed your smile they way you are always happy. I really missed you. And I know I keep saying it but I mean it. I'm the only one who came here, and not because everyone else didn't want to. I came because I needed to speak to you in person. I couldn't say this over text or on the phone. The main reason I came back is because...because, I love you."
She looked at me shocked and fell into my arms. "I love you too." She mumbled into my shoulder. I couldn't stop smiling. We pulled back from the hug. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. She put her hands around my neck and kissed me, I kissed back. "Does that answer your question?"
"Maybe one more and I'll be sure." She laughed at my comment and kissed me again. I was the happiest person ever. The girl I loved was mine. She was finally my girlfriend. I could finally say 'I love you' to her, I could tell people all about how amazing she is. She was finally mine.

H.I.S~Daniel Seavey (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now