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This is my story of how my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I wanted to put it up here for people to understand how hard it is and also for other people who are suffering or people that know people that have it and maybe wants to compare or vent in the comment section :) Stay Strong <3

(This "book" will not be written perfectly so sorry about that !)

My Dad had been suffering with a terrible pain on the left side of his stoach for about a week ad a half. It's not like him to be sick, he's a strong person so any minor pain you wouldnt notice but with this pain he was cripiling over. He noticed he was also losing weight, he thought that it was due to old age. My mum finally told him to go to the doctors to get it checked out.

I remember the day he went to the doctors,I wasn't afraid, which is unlike me as I am a complete worrier. Anyways, I went to school and my Dad was still in the doctors when i came home for lunch, meaning he was in there for quite a long time.  When he came home my dad told the family that the GP was sending him into our local hospital. When he told us , thats when I started to worry...

We were getting no word, he was there for a bout 5 hours , i remember sitting at this compuer where I'm typing right now , praying to god that it wont be serious and its treatable. When my dad came home eventually he was sayinghe will have to go in for more tests, the doctor thought it might have been gaullstones.

My dad had to stay in hospital over the next week, it was terrible not being able to say goodnight only via text but it wasn't the same. Everyday my mam went in the afternoon to see my dad, during the visiing hours, unfortunatley I was still in school but then in the evening we would go in from 6 to 8 .

I will always remember walking down the long corridors, they made me feel faint and shakey. But going into the hospital so many times I go used to it . Then one day we went in to see my dad my mum asked "Any news, did they find anything?"  He replied I'll tell you later." When I heard that I knew something was up. Five minutes before visiting hours ended my mum told me and my 13 year old brother to start heading to the car. When we were going outside i overheard "There's a shadow on the liver" I had cancer in my mind but still couldn't beieve it.

When I got home , I know I shouldn't have done this but I had to . I googled "shadow on liver" alot of things came up including cancer. I thought to myself well it could be this and thats not so serious.

Weeks passed by and still my dad having tests, eventually he came home and started work again. None of my friends knew about my dad as I didn't want to say "oh he has this" when its completly wrong. Whenever anyone asked about news about my dad the voice was lowered, which gave me a feeling it was bad.

One night we were talkin just me , my mum and brother and out of theblue she startd talking about cancer, how its much easy treated and naming so many people we know that have overcome it. Having this conversation quite random made me think "Is it really cancer?"

Weeks passed and one Saturday morning I was getting ready to go out, when my mum and little brother came in. I remember this day like it was only yesterday. My mum came in sat on my bed while i was on the floor looking for one of my shoes and my brothe standing against the wall. "You know your dad has been getting tests done in the hospital, well they finally found out wha it is and I don't want you to feel upset becase everything is going to be just fine, they found out he has cancer.. your uncle sean has the same caner and he has overcome it so your dad definatley will" When she asked how i felt I was lost for words, i continued to get ready to go to my riends house and ran up to her telling what I just heard. I fell in her ams sobbing, she was speachless she didn't know what to say. Eventualy we walked out and got some fresh air and tried to talk happier.


My dad has chemo every two weeks, he has gotten sick a few times but eversince we took a holiday he has been doing good. If it wasn't for my friends being there when I need a chat and making me laugh I don;t know where I would be right now<3I am also raisig money for the hospital that my dad has his treatment in anything to do with my dad i will help :)

To the Cancer Patients

My advice : Keep strong, you will get there , i believe in you. If you need to talk to someone talk to your family, friends , your doctor , or if you want to talk to me comment below and i will send you my email address. There is alotof information on the web, the amount of ree printable books we have printed out for my dad have been a good help.

To people like me , who have someone they love that is suffering from cancer:

This advice was given from a good friend of mine and  i will never forget it " You have to be strong , be there for them and show how much you care, your loved one doesnt want to see you upset so whenever you feel down text someone and get it off your chest" If you would like to talk to me let me know in the comments and I will send you my email.

Take Care


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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